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SV Will Sea Work and Delivery Trip

'Sunday July 7th, 2024 6:30'
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last month
Hot as hell again today.

I seem to have injured my lower back somehow. It's in constant pain.
last month
last month
I'm not getting a terrible amount done but I have swapped out the AC outlets breaker which was tripping too easily and interfering with my coffee making ability.
last month
last month
last month
last month
The crazy thing is I can't remember the last time the app crashed .... it's been running in the background tracking away for days and days. There's still some race condition causing long straight lines but ai'm confident I'll track that down soon.

I expect now that the boat is livable I may make some progress on code tomorrow.
last month
AC has been installed in the forward stateroom. It is a game changer. It's the first time on this trip where it's comfortable on the boat.

I was actually able to get some work done. It was nice not sweating profusely with the smallest effort.

Tonight I move into the forward stateroom. I actually had to turn the temperature up because it was too cold. Apparently the forward VFD unit is so efficient it'll be able to run all night on battery without needing to run the genset.

Based on feedback from Ryan I spent the entire day, like 10 hours, carefully writing a proposal for a pivot. I'm not abandoning Adv-Traveler but I'm not longer delusional about what I can reasonably accomplish.

At some point we need to make some money so that at least this project isn't costing me so much money to run and I have a concept. I'm going to be very interested to hear what Wayne and Jackie think.
last month
On the TV at the bar tonight there was baseball on one TV and competitive Tetris on the other.
last month
last month
last month
last month
The palmetto bug is without honor.
last month
BUG: put the app in the background while processing locations yields an undefined reference error.

I have survived Target. It was a little touch and go. Despite my best efforts and self awareness I still can't find anything to save my life. Object recognition is a challenge for me.
last month
Starbucks stoppin'. Dragging this afternoon. An impressive thunderstorm is rolling in.
last month
Running around from store to store. Got the nuclear option for roach killer.
last month
last month
last month
last month
last month
It's raining and Michael and Rebecca invited me over for dinner. There is no umbrella on the boat so I improvised a rain poncho using a contractor trash bag. It was surprisingly hot.
last month
To my surprise Alex arrived with the front AC unit and finished most of the install. He should be back on Monday to finish it up and make it operational
last month
last month
last month