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SV Will Sea Work and Delivery Trip

'Sunday July 7th, 2024 6:30'
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This ride is over.
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Yermo is home safe.
last month
Home safe

Jesus Christ traffic was bad.
last month
On the road again.
last month
BUG: Straight line bug happened on resume.
last month
When I arrived here last night the room was set to 60degF. I raised it to 76 and didn't think anything of it. It's a hard floor with some actual tile. I thought it was just cold but it had condensation all over it. I slipped pretty hard on the tile and came closer to falling than I have in years.

I looked in the mirror and and old swollen faces man was looking back at me.
last month
BUG: after a couple of weeks of running non-stop the app crashed overnight.
last month
It's strangely a scorcher today despite only being 90degF. Storms in the distance.

I had a long conversation about the power system today with Michael. He's come up with a better design that will more than suffice. 1000ah of managed lithium which can be charged to full capacity running the generator for less than two hours. It ties into the RayMarine. In addition I'm getting a 270amp alternator which doubles as an auxiliary GenSet that is compatible with the lithium system. (Stock alternators do not play nice with lithium.)

We found places for all the electronics and batteries without sacrificing too much space.

The water heater and GenSet setup needs to be gone through. The water heater is set up horribly and really needs to be replaced but I'm not sure there will be enough time.

Leaving the boat now. Homeward bound but I'm breaking it up into two legs.

A tremendous amount was accomplished on this trip but as is usual with the heat, I did not get nearly as much done as I would have liked. The heat really takes it out of me.
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last month
I had a nice conversation with an Uber driver who worked at a home for troubled boys.

Sadly Kristyn is not here this evening. I had promised I would stop by before I left. I may try again tomorrow.

Pondering heading back early Saturday or maybe split it up starting late on Friday.
last month
The stove is finished.

North Sails came and replaced the halyards. The out haul was too short and the sheets are on back order.

All should be in by next week.

Alex is already working on the aft cabin AC. It might be done as soon as Saturday.
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last month
The iPhone has become quite flakey. It showed No Service until I rebooted it.
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last month
That was a shockingly bad Starbucks.