Up at 7:30. So very tired. I look like I've aged 10+ years.
To reduce costs I'm staying at the La Quinta Inn until Duncan and Jackie arrive. It's nothing significant but for the first time I'm noticing lots of little things that aren't "as nice". I may have gotten used to staying at the kind's of places Wayne likes.
It's very hot outside. Today is going to be interesting. The critical tasks are to get the prop mounted, the name and hailing port temporary decal affixed, zincs installed on the prop shaft,, the boom raised, and the batteries charged.
I would like to see about getting a new hole drilled into the anchor for the retaining pin. The current hole is too low so the anchor rests on the pin bending it.
The new Flex-o-Fold prop is a thing of beauty, is highly regarded, and apparently has very good reverse performance. The challenge is the nut is torqued crazy tight. I'm not sure how I'm going to accomplish that.