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SV Will Sea Delivery to Charleston

'Wednesday January 10th, 2024 5:30'
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6 months ago
There are dogs walking around inside. One started me by nosing my ankle.
6 months ago
I did an inventory of sea-coks and attached all the rubber vampire stakes I had to the smaller ones and wooden stakes to the laefe ones. I need to get another three sets of the rubber ones if I can. I have one ready quick release ties to the suport next to the nav table.

I also started rigging up an emergency portable bilge pump but it turns out I need a different switch so I will have to head to West Marine again tomorre.

The large sea-cock under the forward head sink is leaking slightly and there's a leak somewhere under the galley sink. I suspect some fresh water line is leaking somewhere.

I'm heading iut to find some food. This toen shuts down early especially on a Sunday night.
6 months ago
The stuffing box leak has slowed down a bit. The bilge pump runs every 11 minutes up from every 8.
6 months ago
Finished at West Marine. They only had two of the rubber vampire stakes. I may be able to order more online. There's an Amazon deliver box at the marina.

I also picked up what looks like a proper fist aid kit, more flax packing, a bilge pump with an internal float switch which should make for a better emergency bilge pump than having some external switch, and some solar LED lights for the cockpit.
6 months ago
At West Marine once again spending more of my money.
6 months ago
Another cool pretty quiet day on the Safe Harbor MegaDock.
Another cool pretty quiet day on the Safe Harbor MegaDock.
6 months ago
Testing on the Pixel 6 which is now working. I'm not sure what the problem was since all I did was reinstall it and now it works.
6 months ago
I am questioning my situational awareness in combination with my eye sight getting so bad.

I was crazy tired yesterday for most of the day.

To my utter shock and horror I had bought a bag of decaf coffee and not noticed. I thought it tasted off but reasoned that I had just gotten too used to my excellent coffee maker at home.

6 months ago
This was a good brunch.
6 months ago
Brunch with Stuart at Sixty Bull Cafe
6 months ago
Trying to add a photo to a new vehicle
Trying to add a photo to a new vehicle
6 months ago
I woke up to some water intrusion on the starboard side of the forward bunk. That's going to be challenging to track down.

For the first time on this boat I could not sleep to save my life.

Suunny and breezy here on the Safe Harbot Megadock.
6 months ago
Sitting at the restaurant bar now. After finishing laundry I finally started waking up. I took the time to start delving into the nooks and crannies of the boats. There's a removable plastic wiring conduit in the forward head which, when removed, makes it possible to see the starboard chainplate. To my eyes, there doesn't seem to be any corrosion.

After noticing that there were supposed to be two removable floorboards between the forward head and shower I noticed that, unlike the rest of the sole, this board had been screwed in with visible screws. I assume this was done by a previous owners.

Lifting it revealed a drain for the forward shower and what I suspect is the high water
alarm switch. The switch does nothing.

I found another float switch in a little compartment at the base of the companionway. That switch also does nothing.

I plan to diagnose it further tomorrow.
6 months ago
I am dragging something fierce today. The bottom has completely dropped out from under me. So tired despite having slept like 10 hours last night.

I forced myself to do some tasks. I did the dishes, took a shower, started a load of laundry, and went to West Marine to see about getting some stuffing box packing.

To my surprise, there's almost none available in any of the West Marine's around here. I don't know the size i need. It's foing to be 1/4 or 5/16th so I got the last one of each.

I'll spray some PB Blaster on the stuffing box later and let it sit. I've seen videos and been told it can be done in the water but since I don't know the condition of the box with regard to corrosion, I'm hesitant to try it alone. I'll see if I can get the mobile services guys here to help me.
6 months ago
Mostly sailing seems like motorcycling. You hang out places where you can get fuel or snacks and take photos of your ride.
Mostly sailing seems like motorcycling. You hang out places where you can get fuel or snacks and take photos of your ride.
6 months ago
I keep forgetting to change the tramspottation mode.
6 months ago
The clock spontaneously started working so I ser it.
The clock spontaneously started working so I ser it.
6 months ago
Tonight I met the captain of the Lagoon 420 docked just up from me. We got to chatting and he suggested a book with a title something like "Interpreting Modern Weather". It's a recent book about using modern weather apps.

We talked about weather windows and I asked him what are the worst condtions he's sailed in and his response was, with all this modrn information there's no excuse for getting caught in really bad weather because you'll kmow it's out there. His quite was:

"If you know, you don't go." -- Mike

He was retired and had been sailing for a lifetime. He had been in the Navy on submarines. A pleasant guy who seemed happy to share what he knows.

Coming back from the bar I invited him onboard because I thought I might learn something valuable. He seemed very impressed with the boat. "You did well."

I showed him the diesel and his response was, "It looks new, but you have a lot of water in the bilge."

"Yea, the stuffing bix is leaking and it's a design I'm unfamiliar with."

The "stuffing box" is a contraption that the spinning propellor shaft goes through. It contains a packing material that is compressed around the shaft by a big nut and is tightened enough so it compresses the packing material just enough so that water no longer flows into the boat. It's a real old school design.

I showed him the leaking stuffing box and he immediately silaid, "A leak like that will sink a boat." and proceeded to explain to me how this French design works and suggested I pack some additional material in to reduce the water ingress. What he said matched what others have said but he was able to show me what I need to do to take it apart and add some material.

What he said makes sense and I may give that a try tomorrow.

The bilge pumps are working fine so as long as we don't have an extended power outage I think we'll be fine but it needs to be addressed.

He seemed to think the ingress of water while doing this would not be more than the bilge pumps can handle.
6 months ago
I have discovered that because Jeanneau was bought multiple times and each time the puchaser changed all the part number, the part numbers in this catalog are useless. More than that many of the original parts are no longer available because the manufacturers went out of business or discontinued parts.

One poster online said, "It's a 33 year old boat. Finding parts is a problem."
I have discovered that because Jeanneau was bought multiple times and each time the puchaser changed all the part number, the part numbers in this catalog are useless. More than that many of the original parts are no longer available because the manufacturers went out of business or discontinued parts.

One poster online said, "It's a 33 year old boat. Finding parts is a problem."
6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago
Pool here
Pool here
6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago