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SV Will Sea Delivery to Charleston

'Wednesday January 10th, 2024 5:30'
This adventure is over.
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6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago
Talked to Mike Carson of 2csyachtoutfitters.com. He's meeting me at the boat in an hour or so.
6 months ago
I talked to the marina office and was able to extend my stay here until Wednesday. I asked about swing keel work and they suggested Charleston City Boat Yard which is 15 miles up river. Maybe they will be more reaponsive than Cooper River.

There's the added advantage that they have an office here at the marina so I may be able to talk to someone in person.

I talked to Ervin at North Sails. He's going to come down to the boat some time after noon.
6 months ago
Being on a sailboat at a marina imvolves a lot of walking and movement. I am definitely getting my steps in.
6 months ago
Weird. The email looks authentic from Verizon but there are no notifications in the portal.
6 months ago
Terry whomused to bartend at McGinty's picked me ip and we went out to dinner and then a second bar. It was a nice evening. He's currently working as a tour guide aroond Charleston and took me on a driving tour through the old parts of the city telling me historical facts about the various buildings. It was a good evening.

I'm back at the boat now. The heat is on and it's ridiculously comfortable here.

Now I need to see what Verizon is complaining about. I got a notice that some device on my network is generating virus activity.
6 months ago
6 months ago
Talked to Brian across the way whose company details boats. He says this boat would be a challenge and expensive but he thinks it can be made to look better than just presentable.
6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago
Back at the marina
6 months ago
And another half boat buck later ...
6 months ago
Wedt Marine stop.
6 months ago
Home Depot stop for bug traps.
6 months ago
Just go should be changed so details are filled in later ...
6 months ago
Boat is docked. That was stressful. We oracticed for an hour. A dockhand, Ethan, came out to see what we were up to. With current and wind handling the boat was proving to be sketchy. I asked Ethan if we could get a spot on the outside and very fortunately he was able to arrange it. To my horror they put us between two huge boats the a 20ft margin for error. I got the bow in after a couple attempts but was unable to get the stern to move over so the dockhand held the bowline and I reversed it in.

I need to study strategies for docking monihulls. This is challenging.

We're on our way back to Bucksport where Wayne will drop me off and he'll head back.

I'll have to see about finding help to move the boat when the time comes.
6 months ago
Arrived. We got a spot on the outside. Even so this was super stressful.
6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago
Approaching the Ben Sawer swing bridge.
6 months ago
under way at 09:20
6 months ago
Upnat 07:50. Moving a bit slowly today. The sky is cloudy and we got some additional rain last night.