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SV Will Sea Delivery to Charleston

'Wednesday January 10th, 2024 5:30'
This adventure is over.
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7 months ago
This ride is over.
7 months ago
Yermo is home safe.
7 months ago
7 months ago
Home Safe
7 months ago
Another short break.

The app has been tracking fllawlessly. I have been unable to reproduce the problem we saw on SV Will Sea on the ICW where there were long gaps in the track.
7 months ago
Got gas while I was here. Cloudy and getting a little cooler. 66degF.
7 months ago
Rest stop. Taking regular short breaks makes these long drives much less painful.

And I am finally remembering to move the quadlock over so I can see the car display.
7 months ago
I was awoken by the alarm at 07:30 and got up shortly later. It was a slow contemplative morning of a hotel breakfast and a good amount of bad coffee. I was not feeling so great and then realized I had not had any water.

I do not drink enough water.

I'm now in the car and about to make my way home. I'm in no rush.
7 months ago
It is strangely dead for a Friday might at an Outback.
7 months ago
Drove further than I had initially planned but this will make for an easier drive tomorrow.

It's still crazy warm out. It was still 70degF when I rolled into the motel parking lot.
7 months ago
This is how long it took me to walk back to the car.
This is how long it took me to walk back to the car.
7 months ago
I walked most of the way to the car when I realized I had forgotten the larger Gil bag.
I walked most of the way to the car when I realized I had forgotten the larger Gil bag.
7 months ago
Took a longish break. Tired. I've already gotten the estimate back for the detail.
7 months ago
7 months ago
heading home
7 months ago
7 months ago
RayMarine chart plotter
RayMarine chart plotter
7 months ago
RayMarine Alpha
RayMarine Alpha
7 months ago
Back of the alpha.
Back of the alpha.
7 months ago
Foggy morning.
Foggy morning.
7 months ago
7 months ago
7 months ago
7 months ago
I was so wiped out tired I passed out for almost four hours. I am crazy beat.
7 months ago
I haven't been runming the the
tracker as much and so much has been going on that I've been managing to write posts to IG but not here.

Cooper River Marina on a foggy night is surreal.

Jeo Evans stopped by and ee chatted. He seemed to thnk this biat would sell quickly and for significantly more than the surveyor thought.

I returned and got a replacement from the Icom IC-M94D that would not hold a charge. No matter how many times I pulled the unit out of the cradle and put it back in, it would just display "charing error".