Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago

"Mount Evans road was seriously scary. It felt like you were riding right into the clouds and there were no guardrails on those switchbacks! You could fall straight down for thousands of feet!" Yun said.

"If I had been by myself, I would never have gone up. I would have seen how crazy this is and I would have just turned around. But to become more than you are, you have to let go everything you think you are. So I just did it and I was not afraid. So is this the real me? The me without fear? If that's true, then who have I been these last years of my life?" he said. "If you describe it to someone it sounds crazy dangerous."

"But it wasn't." I said. "Yea, it's a small road without guardrails, with drops that fall thousands of feet around difficult switchbacks, but it wasn't that bad, was it?" I asked.

"No, it wasn't hard. It was awesome. I can't believe I'm Out Here doing this on a motorcycle." he said.

"What would the chances be that you would have seen these things if you hadn't learn to ride?" I asked.

"Zero." he replied.

Today our target was to reach the Bonneville Salt Flats. Yun wanted to go there and ride his bike on the salt. He seemed pretty excited about the prospect. I was mostly dismissive. "So we're going to ride through the crazy desert heat to go see a bunch of salt? Should I bring some tequila?" I asked giving him a hard time.

We needed to cover some distance and it was going to be a hot ride. We didn't appreciate how hot it was going to be. We headed straight West on state roads hoping to avoid Interstates as much as practical. As we headed further West the temperatures started to rise. The thermometer on my bike consistently read between 100 and 110. It tends to read a bit high because of it's placement, but this was crazy hot.

I'm sorry, I am too tired to write ... I will try again tomorrow ...

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