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AraVilla Crossing From Norfolk to St Maarten

'Monday November 14th, 2022 10:00'
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2 years ago
Things really calmed down and the clouds parted to reveal some stars. Out of character I asked Wayne if I could borrow his lanyard. He gave me the red head lamp. I put on a PFD attached the lanyard, hooked into the jackline, and made my way to the bow where I spent what must have been 45 minutes if not an hour. It was
serenely peaceful.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Really it depends on wind angle. If the wind shifts aroind first giving us our good angle we'll be able to tack earlier getting us to the waypoint earlier.

It's really warm. I'm just wearing a sweatshirt.
2 years ago
Because we are sailing towards the wind as tightly as we can (approx 50deg) and because our next waypoint is 60deg to port and we need a minimum of 120 degrees to tack this catamaran, we have to continue along until the bearing to our next waypoint is at least 120deg off our current heading. We're running at a heading of 184 true and our waypoint is at a bearing of 120 ... so we need to continue until it is at a bearing of 64 ... I am beginning to understand some of the downsides of catamarans.
2 years ago
Chicken and broccoli for dinner. I'm at the helm. We continue to keep a good clip. Seeing it all in practice over longer distances is making me better understand how wind and weather plays a huge role in navigation. I can see now how complex this could be. I can't imagine doing this without all the advanced navigation and weather aids we have. It would require a much greater depth of knowledge.
2 years ago
I think there's a sailboat out there somewhere.
I think there's a sailboat out there somewhere.
2 years ago
2 years ago
"The very rare flightless sitting Yermo."
2 years ago
"Breakfast of champions"
"Breakfast of champions"
2 years ago
The days pass crazy quickly out here. I feel like I just got up. Dana has been feeling off so is down in his stateroom sleeping. Wayne is at the helm. I'm chilling. (Ariel would be proud.)

The boat is speeding through the
waves at a good clip with the occassional big crash as we cross a bigger wave.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Sunset. Nav and steaming lights are on. Winds are building so Wayne pulled in the head sail solo in these 20kt+ winds. Well done.
2 years ago
When asking the sea Gods for something, be specific.

Yesterday's light winds had us wishing for more and today we've got it. I'm grateful for that but... This mornings weather update advises us to get as far east as we can as fast as we can. This better wind is from the east making us fight our way into it. We've been close hauled on the edge of our limits to sail all day. We're making good speed though a bit more wind angle would be faster and more comfortable.

Our next turn on this 170 mile leg between specific coordinates in a vast empty sea draws within 40 miles. At present status we'll reach it around 21:30. The wind needs tonight change direction by then as our next leg has us sailing directly into it which can't be done. Tacking takes us in all the ways.

These turning points are provided by the weather service. Either they know the wind angle will change as they know our boat, or they are wrong, and they are rarely wrong by much. Time will tell.

Now hoping for good wind from a favorable direction, let's throw in calm seas too. Are you listening Sea Gods? I'm sure you've had this request before.
2 years ago
I was just thinking that life Out Here(tm) is reduced to:

- when do I wake up?
- when's coffee?
- when's breakfast?
- when's my day watch?
- when's dinner?
- when's my night watch?
- when do I get to go to bed?
2 years ago
I think I see a sailboat on the horizon. It's not showing up on radar or AIS. It's probably too far away.
2 years ago
When we let the furling line run, it fouled so I had to put on a PFD and go forward to address it. I almost made it back without getting and then just as I was climbing off the webbing a big wave hit.

Note to self, always have some tension on the furling line.
2 years ago
I just read the weather report. It's not as ominous as I thought. They are just trying to route us to good wind.
2 years ago
I just saw a flying fish. At first I thought it was a bird. On the last crossing we saw /nothing/. Not so on this trip.

Dana tells me we just jumped a wave. I didn't motice. 😳
2 years ago
We're sailing now! 23kts of wind in 2-3ft seas. Dana went forward to out in the first reef in the mainsail while Wayne and I handled the headsail.

Wayne wanted wind. He got wind.

Ominously the latest Commanders weather report said "get as far east as fast as you can."

2 years ago
I woke up of my own accord at 09:59 thinking I had massively overslept. There was the aounds of sailing.
2 years ago
There keep being hints of wind but as soon as I set the sails the wind disappears.

I've done this a few times but it is good practice. I am becoming much more comfortable managing sheets, winches, and the traveler.
2 years ago
There is a gap in the clouds and my old friend, the constellation Orion who kept me company each night on the last Sint Maarten crossing, is now clearly visible above.