The new System76 Lemur laptop is working out much better than I could have hoped. For the first time on one of these trips I'm getting real work done.
I hadn't realized what a liability MaxOS is for development. That MacBook Air really wasn't the right machine. I should have done this years ago.
It's very strange how the app behaves differently on longer trips than it does when just going between College Park and Silver Spring, which is my usual test run to and from McGinty's. There it works perfectly.
I will have to do more testing but I found a nasty bug having to do with misunderstanding a very minute detail in how the framework I use works. (Aliasing an injection token causes new instances to be created instead of reusing the existing one. So unbelnownst to me, multiple instances of the geolocation service we're getting created depending on the path through the software. How it ever worked is beyond me.)
And this post is a test to see if I have fixed it correctly.