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Tabasco Bermuda Adventure

'Sunday April 17th, 2022 8:30'
This adventure is over.
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2 years ago
My watch is over. Wayne is awake.

This watch was hard. I was tired to the point of auditory hallucinations. The time on the boat was pushed back an hour so it feels like 4am to me.

I am taking my sorry self to my bunk and passing out.
2 years ago
Wayne's watch - I don't understand Yermo's attachment to the midnight to 3 AM watch, it's the most boring, Nothing to see but a black void.3 - 6 AM, my watch, is the best! The first hour and a half are boring, but then I see the new day born. By 04:17 today the horizon is clearly discernable. Now I'm just sitting here waiting for the show to start. With all the clouds it could be grand or bland but there
will soon be color as the black night fades.
2 years ago
In about 10 hours we should enter the gulf stream and a couple hours later the water temperature will drop 10defC. It's gonna get cold.

Wayne says it looks like we have a squall ahead. The winds are building.
2 years ago
We just took a large wave broadside from port that pushed the boat over enough to submerge the starboard gunwhale and cause at least one cabinet to crash open. Minor pandemonium.

It's getting a bit rougher out here.
2 years ago
Starting my watch 20 minutes early. Mark just went down to his cabin. Wayne has been asleep for a while. Basically I stare into the void. It stares back at me. Then I occasionally scan the instruments while trying not to get tossed from the captains chair.
2 years ago
So far our squall has not materialized. Wayne was disappointed.
2 years ago
Strangely very tired so on Mark's suggestion I went toy bunk and slept for a little while. The boat when under power without any sail up pitches quite a bit more making it quite a bit more challenging to walk through the boat.
2 years ago
Mark's awake. My watch for now is over.

Due to cloud cover and a moonless night it is pitch black outside.
2 years ago
I'm doing a half watch until 21:00 letting both Wayne and Mark rest. Then I'll take a three hour break and resume my 24:00 to 03:00 watch. Mark offered to let us both sleep through but we had committed to doing our watches and we intend to continue. In our eyes it:s also a safety thing. It is much better if Mark is rested and we are tired than the reverse.
2 years ago
"If there is nothing to do, then do nothing."
2 years ago
Wayne put some chicken out to thaw to room temperature explaining to me that if you don't wait then the center will be too cold and you'll tend to overcook it. When he went down to start making dinner I followed to see if I could help. He domonstrated how to cook chicken breast we'll pointing out that the cuts must not be too thick.

Mark came down and showed me how to make roasted brussel sprouts in the oven and Wayne instructed me on salad making. Dinner turned out quite well.

Later while we sat in the cockpit for a bit Mark had me furl in the mainsail and tighten the main sheet, both operations I had not done before.
2 years ago
I suspect the phone lost GPS signal when I was in the engine compartment trying to turn on the water maker. (I was pressing the wrong button because I misunderstood that there were separate on and off buttons. I was pressing the off button thinking it was a toggle.)
2 years ago
We're running with the boom centered using the traveller all the way to port to the main sheet can be extended into a fuller shape. In these low winds it stabilizes the boat. Otherwise, we'd be rolling on the waves dramatically.
2 years ago
Mark mentioned that we've seen a max speed of 14.2kts so far.
2 years ago
Yellow bucket spotted.
2 years ago
Mark just told us that we're going to be running bare poles under motor. The forecast calls for very light winds interrupted by squalls with gusts up to 40kts. We don't want sails up configured for light winds when those random gusts hit.
2 years ago
Man-o-wars are, like most sea creatures, camera shy. Now that I have cameras at the ready none are to be seen.
2 years ago
These delivery crossings are like a forces meditation ... hours and hours of quiet without anything to do and very little to look at.
2 years ago
Mark tells me we are in 16404 feet of water. 😳
2 years ago
Earlier while the phone was charghng we were talking about flat earthers whenark chimed in, "I think the moon landings were fakes ..."

<tense silence>

".. it's just the director demanded it be filmed on location."

Laughter ensued.

Both Mark and Wayne took naps and I stayed at the helm watching the man-o-wars float by, some very closely.

We are still under motor but the waves and wind are slowly building. We're anticipating weathwr later.
2 years ago
Wayne saw a big fish jump.
2 years ago
The wind died down to 3kts when Mark came up and declared, "I have a rule on deliveries. If the wind goes below 5kts I turn the engine on." He pulled in both headsails and we are now motor sailing.
2 years ago
Mark says he needs to rinse out the bilge.
2 years ago
Wayne made oaeal for breakfast and sadly accidentally created some smoke. Once you let the smoke out of the bacon it's hard to put back in.
2 years ago
Super light winds. Mark just deployed the preventer because the boom was smacking around. We have both headsails up and the main.