joined 14 years ago
City:College Park
Country:United States
Note the tab of links above ... Photos, Maps, Adventures.

I am the the developer of this site and the software platform that runs it.

The blog for the 2016 Trans America Trail Trip here:

The blog for the 2010 Alaska Trip is here:

You can find me on linkedin here:

on facebook:

and on IG @yermolamers

Most Recent Adventures:

Fort Lewis 2024 Birthday Ride

3 adventurers
8 status updates
27 photos
16 tracks recorded with the app
2 months ago
Scheduled to Start on: 'Thursday August 8th, 2024 7:00'
This is an invitation only adventure.

SV Will Sea Delivery to Charleston

The sailing vessel Will Sea needs to be moved from Bucksport, SC along the Atlantic Intra-Coastal Waterway (ICW) to Charleston, SC where she will get some needed improvements before being sailed up to Annapolis in the spring. The challenge will be avoiding all the very shallows parts of the ICW. There's one swing bridge we will need to time correctly. Being very conservative we've decided to break this short trip into three sections. Day 1 we'll head from Bucksport, SC to Georgetown, SC where we'll grab a transient slip. The next day we'll do the longest leg from Georgetown, SC to Isle of Palms, SC. Then there's just a short stretch the next day to get to Charleston which should allow us to pass through the shallowest section at high tide with plenty of the depth to spare. The boat needs some prep work before Wayne and I attempt the voyage so I'm heading down a few days early to get things ship shape. I'll end up staying in Charleston for several days while I arrange to get estimates for all the various improvements I want to make to the boat. Between this nasty flu I've had and the distance, scheduling all of this has proven challenging. I'm interested to see what surprises wait for us.

5 adventurers
116 status updates
87 photos
245 tracks recorded with the app
9 months ago
This adventure took place on 'Wednesday January 10th, 2024'

Most Recent Articles:

last month
Blog Article (286861)

Selecting A Boat

Once again, I've been asked to write.  I had made the very questionable decision to be open to buying a sailboat. This was not as straightforward as one might think and required a lot of painful soul searching. There's an aspect to this that continues to feel so very wrong, as if I'm committing some kind of egregious selfish sin. I've never done anything like this before. My entire life has been spent in the service of others often at great cost and harm to myself. There were the decade ...Read More

2 months ago
Blog Article (285077)

The Day I Decided to Buy A Sailboat

A few friends asked me at the beginning to write about this boat acquisition experience. But I haven't written anything in many ages. The words just don't flow and honestly I've been avoiding it. Quite a few months have gone by now. Recently, the topic was raised again so I've decided to bite the bullet and make the attempt.  But writing feels off. Something is missing but I don't know what. It's as if the words just don't taste right. It's strange to think that I only started sailing ...Read More

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