I took it for a short test ride and it was a done deal.
I'm thinking of writing more in a blog article once I have some more experience with the bike but I must confess I am surprised how impressed I am with it. Of all the bikes I've test ridden, this one feels by far and away the most "right".
Also, it vibrates less than any of the others. It's impressively smooth and may even be smoother than the R1100S. I do believe this is the right bike for the trip. Any doubts I had about this being the bike are now gone.
It carbureted and thus has all the problems associated with carburetors (cold start, choke) but I confess it's not that much of a problem. It did stall out on me a few times at stop lights but that may just be a break in issue. Under way, it was surprisingly strong.
I have a feeling this is going to be a very fun bike.
More later.