Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Timonium Motorcycle Show This WeekendSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 20
    12 years ago
    I'm tentatively thinking of heading up Saturday.

    2 of 20
    12 years ago
    I'd like to join you. What time were you thinking?
    3 of 20
    12 years ago
    At first I didn't see the draw, as it looked like a heavily Harley event evidenced here:

    BUT...then I saw what the real draw must be (and I'm not believing anything else any of you say otherwise...about parts, or acessories, or bikes...nada):
    4 of 20
    12 years ago
    Perhaps I judged too soon, I just saw that they will be having "The “Norman Rockwell" of Harley-Davidson Artists"

    Obviously that bring some serious Klass to the event
    5 of 20
    12 years ago
    Possibly late morning? like 11'ish? I'm not locked into a particular time though.
    6 of 20
    12 years ago
    Rob, there are Harleys and customs there for sure, but lots of other bikes (BMW, Japanese, etc.) as well, and a fair number of parts and accessory dealers.

    IIRC, YML got his custom ear plugs made at one of these.
    7 of 20
    12 years ago
    Yea, that show leans heavily towards the Sturgis type crowd and the level of class there matches about what you would expect.

    However, as Duncan mentioned, there do tend to be vastly more vendors and a much wider selection than the DC show. it's grittier and a bit more real.

    But it has been a few years since Duncan and I went the last time. So who knows what this year will be like.
    8 of 20
    12 years ago
    @buffalo, want to pick me up here or should I come over to your place. We could grab coffee on the way up. 11ish sounds fine to me.
    9 of 20
    12 years ago
    LOLOL!!!! SUCH ENGINEERS!!! I pointed out bikini models and got schooled on the availability of earplugs
    10 of 20
    12 years ago
    Well, rock'n'roll! Bikini contest and bikes - what's not to like?

    I don't know about the show in Timonium, but I foolishly went to a swap meet in Frederick once. I didn't realize at the time that "swap meet" was code for Harley Weirdo Festival. Ever since then, Frederick to me has been "Fredneck". Forget the coffee; the Budweiser station will be serving in the AM.
    11 of 20
    12 years ago
    Consider it a study in cross cultural differences.
    12 of 20
    12 years ago
    Let's tentatively plan on me coming to get you, the grab coffee and drive up. I'll give you a heads up ASAP if anything changes, OK?
    13 of 20
    12 years ago
    Speaking of Harleys, I have to say that my view on them has evolved quite a bit over the years. A friend of a friend finally clued me in to a fundamental aspect of appeal that I had missed earlier:

    Complete customization. Instead of riding the exact same bike as 50,000 other guys/gals, you can completely customize the bike to be a one-off that is unlike many (or any) other--not just in chrome farkle, but down to fundamental engine parts.

    Harleys (IMO) are the ultimate tinker toy bike that can be taken apart and reconstructed in almost any form you like.

    As I've stated here previously, I'd personally prefer an Indian over a Harley, but if I *were* to own a Harley, it would be a V Rod:

    Which sports a liquid cooled Porsche designed motor, BTW...
    14 of 20
    Yun Lung Yang
    12 years ago
    love to join you guys, but its gonna be chinese new years eye on Sat, so I have to go home to do rituals with the rents early afternoon. Take some good pics for me!
    15 of 20
    12 years ago
    @duncan sounds like a plan. I'll be sure to be ready to leave.

    @Yun will do. Sorry you can't join us.
    16 of 20
    12 years ago
    New Years Eye...I think I just found a band name.
    17 of 20
    12 years ago
    lol. I wonder how many band names started out as typos?
    18 of 20
    12 years ago
    buffalo wrote:
    Complete customization. Instead of riding the exact same bike as 50,000 other guys/gals, you can completely customize the bike to be a one-off that is unlike many (or any) other--not just in chrome farkle, but down to fundamental engine parts.

    You are a unique individual. Just like everyone else.
    19 of 20
    12 years ago
    I'll be over there around noon. They usually have online coupons if you look around a little.