It looks like Zimmerman's may be able to deal with the swing keel so Duncan and I are delivering the boat to their location at Herrington Harbor on Sunday the 9th. I'll head back down Monday evening to be there when the boat is hauled early Tuesday morning. They'll look at the keel and prepare and estimate.
The first non-delivery multi-day sail on Will Sea.
Ann's first time on the boat.
This was a very good day.
This will be the first time I've taken out Will Sea without an experienced captain on board.
There won't be much wind to speak of but the weather is gorgeous so we're going to head out onto the bay for a few hours.
I changed out the 15w40 oil for SAE30 CD and needed to run the engine under load for a while as a test. Duncan graciously joined me.
With a hurricane looming large, Wayne and I are going to attempt to get my boat to Annapolis.
Dana, Terry, and I are scheduled to depart on September 10th to deliver Will Sea to my new slip in Annapolis. It's been a very long time coming.
Jackie, Wayne, and I are planning to put the sails up on Will See for the first time. After that Dana and Terry are coming down to help me move the boat to Annapolis
The sailing vessel Will Sea needs to be moved from Bucksport, SC along the Atlantic Intra-Coastal Waterway (ICW) to Charleston, SC where she will get some needed improvements before being sailed up to Annapolis in the spring. The challenge will be avoiding all the very shallows parts of the ICW. There's one swing bridge we will need to time correctly. Being very conservative we've decided to break this short trip into three sections. Day 1 we'll head from Bucksport, SC to Georgetown, SC where we'll grab a transient slip. The next day we'll do the longest leg from Georgetown, SC to Isle of Palms, SC. Then there's just a short stretch the next day to get to Charleston which should allow us to pass through the shallowest section at high tide with plenty of the depth to spare. The boat needs some prep work before Wayne and I attempt the voyage so I'm heading down a few days early to get things ship shape. I'll end up staying in Charleston for several days while I arrange to get estimates for all the various improvements I want to make to the boat. Between this nasty flu I've had and the distance, scheduling all of this has proven challenging. I'm interested to see what surprises wait for us.
It appears that Will Sea will be ready to be splashed next week Wednesday. We then have to deliver her up to Cooper River Marina in Charleston, weather window permitting.
On February 25th, we'll depart Cooper River Marina and motor 36 miles down the ICW to Bohicket Marina where we'll overnight and then move the boat to Marine Propulsion where it will be hauled and put on the hard.