Great Smoky Mountains National Park - EAST
A loop ride around the east side of Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Distance: 115 miles
Ride Time: 4-6 hours
START: Maggie Valley
- Follow US 19 - Soco Road west and climb to the Blue Ridge Parkway
7.4 Miles
- Get on the Blue Ridge Parkway at Soco Gap. Follow the Blue Ridge Parkway towards Cherokee for 13.5 miles.
20.9 Miles
- Turn right onto US 441 - Newfound Gap Road and cross Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Follow into Gatlinburg.
52.8 Miles
- Veer right onto US 321 - East Parkway Road. Ride along the north border of the park to US 321 at Cosby.
70.9 miles
Turn left onto US 321 - Cosby Road and ride north to the Foothills Parkway entrance.
72.7 Miles
- Cruise the Foothills Parkway
78.3 Miles
- Leave the Foothills Parkway and ride south on I-40
107.6 Miles
- Exit I-40 @ Exit 20 onto US 276 and ride to US 19 - Soco Road
113.28 Miles
- Veer left onto US 19 - Soco road to complete the loop
114.2 Miles
END: Maggie Valley
START: Maggie Valley
Ride: Maggie Valley to Gatlinburg
Ride: Gatlinburg to Maggie Valley
END: Maggie Valley
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