the red sky this morning fortells of what is to come. today. we head north onto some dirt roads here and there though we do have a long way to cover as we go back into Chile to Cerro Sombrero tonight. it is cooler this morning. again, there are sheets of rain passing through between moments of bright sunshine , and the wind is already really howling. The forecast calls for rain until about noon and then high winds for the rest of the day. the gusts can be brutal. You're constantly on a lean while riding.
The diversions off road are reported to be nice. The worst of the day will be the border crossing again into Chile. it's much easier leaving the country then getting in. we all have to check in through immigration and customs, do the paperwork to import the bikes, then go through the whole process again more or less when the van comes through and the business has to check through. everything comes out of the van to be scanned and inspected, there are bike inspections, it just takes a while. if there is a big line at the border, it really drags on. then you leave Argentina, ride a mile or so, and the process repeats to enter Chile, customs, immigration, import, etc , etc, etc.
we have long days ahead.