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Colorado BDR 2022

'Thursday July 14th, 2022 13:30'
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gypsum road did not turn out to be any great challenge. it was in fairly decent shape, a little dusty, but nothing like the extreme I've experienced before. experienced before.

we dropped down from the Mesa and made our way the 7 mi to our hotel in eagle. frustratingly, we arrived before 3:00 p.m. so it was a cold brew in the parking lot and swapping stories for half an hour.

we're now in the room, Ash and I are sharing a room again,( not planned ), and we will make our way to dinner in a few hours.

All in all, a pretty good day. hot at times, I saw 102 at one point, but mostly in the '90s. after our cool start this morning. I'm getting a little more comfortable with the bike, made some suspension changes and air pressure changes that seem to have helped dramatically.
A brief stop at the start of gypsum road to tighten up a loose part on one of the bikes and then this is actually a pretty good road to go down so long as conditions are right. and we think conditions are right today so here we go.
A lunch stop along the Colorado River. coming down. the steep part from the Mesa above was a good introduction to what is lies ahead. it's getting more dusty and a little hotter right now. The campground and river lunch here is very busy.
we are currently stopped at one of my favorite stops along the trail. it's this high Mesa that overlooks as beautiful expansive valley and there's this gorgeous Canyon. you can see off to the kind of the south and the west that we're going to be going through that just gets prettier and prettier as you go. we're still on the dirt road. it's been a little more rocky in spots and a lot steeper so it's been a little more challenging going up and down but so far so good. So we had just one small mechanical issue, just a rear mud guard that lost a screw so I managed to fix that all by myself. stop. yeah, Wayne is hardly the mechanic.
very pleasant riding so far. mostly along a valley. pretty much grated roads. nothing too challenging, very scenic. lots of pines smells good
it was cool this morning low 50s, but as soon as the sun got up it has started to warm up. pretty nicely. first stop of the day since we've hit the trails to peel off some layers and take advantage of one of the few bathrooms. we will pass today.