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PROJECT: Exhaust Header Bolts and Gasket Replacement

This is an open project.
This project is ongoing.

On Bike:

The Mule
2009 Suzuki DR650SE
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4 years ago
I really need to add a mileage field to the project entry and a maintenance log. 

#dr650se #mileage 28398.6
4 years ago
buffalobought replacement bolts and a gasket for me and brought them by. I was able to get the header pipe reattached without incident.

Given the R1100S tire patching experiment failed and not wanting to risk not being able to make tomorrow's ride, I just installed the bolts to the right torque and will worry about safety wiring them another time. My suspicion is they won't come out during tomorrow's ride.
4 years ago
Steve Ionescu on Facebook, who we were going to meet for dinner at McGinty's, wisely suggested that I drill and safety wire the new bolts. I think that is a really good idea.
4 years ago
I'll run up to Heysers tomorrow to see if I can get the gasket and bolts.

There's been a delay on the vulcanizing cement I need to the R1100S patch, so I'm trying to set up a fallback in case I can't get the R11 back on the road in time.