The final drive drain plug did not have much in the way of shavings on it but the transmission drain plug has a distressing amount of fine shavings on it. For quite a while I thought this was indicative of a serious problem but then I remembered that this is the first time that plug has been removed in quite a few years since the last time I did a transmission oil change I was unable to get the drain plug out and tipped the bike on its side to drain the oil.
The special tool I bought ages ago to remove the drain plug without removing the exhaust worked like a champ. The only problem is that it's hard to tell when using it to reinstall the bolt what torque is being applied.
The bottom threads in the plug hole seem a bit fouled as it took a bit to thread the bolt back in. I approximated how tight it was when I pull it off.
800ml 80w90 gear oil for the transmission and 220ml for the final drive.