Owned By:


2013 Mercedes C300 4matic Sport

The Benz

Adventure (274922)

Trip on Friday, June 30, 2023, 8:53 PM

This adventure is underway.
This is an invitation only adventure.

Ad-hoc solo trip

Adventure (274895)

Trip on Thursday, June 29, 2023, 9:03 PM

This adventure is underway.
This is an invitation only adventure.

Ad-hoc solo trip

Adventure (273898)
last year

Ohiopyle Camping Trip

This adventure took place on 'Saturday May 20th, 2023'

Aaron is bicycling to Pittsburg and taking an extra day to explore Ohiopyle state park. Carrie and I are going to drive up and join him for a day and a half of camping. Aaron has loaned us a bunch of camping gear but I haven't been camping in ages.

Adventure (272925)
last year

Test Trip

Scheduled to Start on: 'Friday March 24th, 2023 20:26'
This is an open adventure.

This is a quick local test to verify that there are no show stopper issues with the latest build. Once again I've made many changes and did not get nearly as much done as I had hoped.

Adventure (272703)
2 years ago

Another Test

Scheduled to Start on: 'Wednesday March 8th, 2023 20:55'
This is an invitation only adventure.


Adventure (272156)
2 years ago

Road Trip to Yardley

This adventure took place on 'Thursday January 5th, 2023'

I'm heading up to Yardley to try to be of some assistance for a few days. I'm not sure how long I'll be up there but I'm bringing all my work with me and using it as another excuse to test the latest build of the software.

Adventure (272141)
2 years ago

Photo Date Test

Scheduled to Start on: 'Tuesday January 3rd, 2023 20:42'
This is an invitation only adventure.

There's been a long standing bug having to do with photo dates. I /think/ I may have finally found and fixed it. This entry is an attempt to test it to see if posts and photos come out in the right order when swiping across map content.

Adventure (272025)
2 years ago


Scheduled to Start on: 'Tuesday December 27th, 2022 17:31'
This is an open adventure.


Adventure (271077)
2 years ago

BWI Android Test

Scheduled to Start on: 'Friday November 11th, 2022 17:00'
This is an open adventure.

Adventure (271066)
2 years ago

Android Test

Scheduled to Start on: 'Friday November 11th, 2022 14:17'
This is an open adventure.

Adventure (271056)
2 years ago

iOS Test

Scheduled to Start on: 'Friday November 11th, 2022 13:09'

Adventure (271040)
2 years ago

Another Test Ride

This adventure took place on 'Friday November 11th, 2022'

Adventure (271026)
2 years ago

Test of New Build

This adventure took place on 'Thursday November 10th, 2022'

Three days out and I'm actually testing the build I hope to take on the upcoming sailing adventure. After an extremely slow slog trying to fix some nasty tracking bugs, I had a breakthrough and have, hopefully, managed to make it much more robust and made a ton of user interface changes.

Adventure (270858)
2 years ago

NH Road Trip

This adventure took place on 'Monday October 24th, 2022'

Heading up to visit Jeff and Lynne for a day.

Adventure (270872)
2 years ago


Scheduled to Start on: 'Friday October 28th, 2022 16:46'
This is an open adventure.

Adventure (270722)
2 years ago

Pittsburg Drive

This adventure took place on 'Tuesday October 18th, 2022'

Going to meet up with Aaron and explore a bit of Pittsburg and then transport him and his bicycle back home.