Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
The Deals Gap 2014 ThreadSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 37
    11 years ago
    It's never too soon to start planning next years trip to the Gap. 

    The suggestion has been made to try a different week next year. bruce may have a conflict for our traditional week due to kid graduations. He's going to check his calendar to confirm.

    Since availability of the apartment rooms is a big variable, let's see if we can lock down some dates in the next week or so. Once we do I'll go ahead and reserve the room for next year.

    Given how slowly we ride, I like the two day down format. It takes a while to get the cobwebs cleared and get back into the swing of things. If we superslab it down the whole distance, it would give us an entire extra day at that Gap, but I fear it might be too much. We'd have to get an extra early start so we don't roll in there too late in the evening. I do hate to push it but it would like an extra day, so I'm torn.

    What do you guys think?

    bruce buffalo rshaug jpcfjr sharrimanJohn St John isurfne

    I know John and Joel probably won't be able to make it next year, but I figure I'd include them in the discussion just in case we can nudge them in the right direction.

    Anyone else interested in going? If so we might want to reserve two rooms instead of just the one.
    2 of 37
    11 years ago
    Deals Gap 2013 was an amazing week and I simply can't wait for Deals Gap 2014!

    I do have one element that will be a wrinkle (but in the grand scheme of things a very minor one); I don't think I'll stay at the Deals Gap Resort next year. There are many reasons for this for me which I would be happy to delve into in a separate post, or in person with the core group if that is more appropriate. If enough people would like to join me I'll rent one of Killboy's houses, if not I will simply rent a cabin at Fontana. ***In either case they will, of course, be open 24/7 to the entire M-by-M group***. The short version is that, in my exclusive opinion, the positives of the Deals Gap MC Resort do not make up for the negatives and that the negatives increase each year while the positives diminish. The "resort", not the location - rides - people - area - etc.

    Other than that I am already ready for next year and will most definitely be there. 
    3 of 37
    11 years ago
    On the timing issues (1. week and 2. one versus two day ride):

    1. Whatever week works best for the group - I'm in.

    2. jpcfjrand I discovered that dong the run in one day can be pretty straight forward. We left the Gap t about 0910 and would have been home in NOVA before 6pm that evening if we had stayed on the highway. That includes gas stops with a rest break, lunch, and the occasional traffic. Also includes a brisk but not pushed pace. Even with a 200 mile detour on the BRP, with a couple of rest stops, we were home before 10:30. We also found that if we do a two-day if we left Wytheville at 9am we would be at the Gap before 2pm including gas (with some stretching out time) and lunch stops.
    4 of 37
    11 years ago
    I'm ok with the super slab, a bit tedious but it defiantly makes time.
    5 of 37
    11 years ago
    I'm in for the house, although you do meet some interesting characters at The Gap so I'm good either way.
    6 of 37
    11 years ago
    It's a bit later this year than in previous years, but scheduling conflicts precluded a May trip. Reservations have been made for Deals Gap Resort starting June 8th, 2014 checking out June 14th. We have secured one of the apartment rooms for the entire stretch.

    So far buffalo and bruce have spots reserved in the room. If anyone else would like to join us in the apartment room please let me know. isurfne, John St John, Jay
    7 of 37
    11 years ago
    Yermo I'll check on those dates. If the timeframe works I'll be reserving a house or cottage at/nearby Fontana, so will not need space at the apt room.
    8 of 37
    11 years ago
    sharriman, Just to make it fair, you have to leave the same time as my dad an i but you must get gas receipt from Quebec City and Chicago before metting up with us in wytheville
    9 of 37
    11 years ago
    rshaug, cool.

    sharriman, totally spaced tagging you in the post above.  
    10 of 37
    11 years ago
    Ha, yeah I will see what I can do about that.
    11 of 37
    11 years ago
    I can try to make June 8th work. I'm toying with the idea of flying down and buying a bike down there hanging out for a few days and riding back. I have CycleCrazy looking for a GS for me. Nice to see some (chatter) on here about another trip. 
    12 of 37
    11 years ago
    I'm looking at doing a split trip for this one. Plan would be to head to the gap in one go on Saturday, spend 4 nights or so at the Gap region, then spend 2 nights or so in West Virginia. Planning the routes now but would do some remarkable roads in Southern WV, including the insane rt16 and 91 west of Marion, then back up through rt60, rt20, and some of the other roads nearby before coming back out on 33. Any and every are welcome to join.
    13 of 37
    11 years ago
    Count me in.
    14 of 37
    11 years ago
    Jay, in on the apartment room with us or rshaug's trip? 
    15 of 37
    11 years ago
    Yermo, sorry for the confusion - Iwas responding to your post. I am flexible on the what/when/where however. Whatever the group wants to do is cool for me.
    16 of 37
    11 years ago
    Very cool. One of the apartment room beds is yours. We'll leave here on Saturday arriving at Deals Gap Sunday afternoon. We'll leave to head back the following Saturday.
    17 of 37
    11 years ago
    Thanks for the offer but I am not planning on staying at the deals gap resort for next year's trip if I go.  Hopefully I'll be able to get down there and see everybody.
    18 of 37
    10 years ago
    I think I may be down for this (apartment if room is still available), going to firm up the dates in the next few weeks, but I am definitely up for furthering my education here.
    19 of 37
    10 years ago
    Gabe let us know with plenty of warning. Right now there are 2 spaces left in the room. 

    isurfne John St John are you guys coming down that week?
    20 of 37
    10 years ago
    Yermo - I'm confirmed in with the wife, June 8-14 correct? Got a spare bed in the apartment still?
    21 of 37
    10 years ago
    Gabe yup!

    Ok, that makes 5 of us in the Apartment room. We may want to secure another room.

    Anyone else planning on joining us down at the Deals Gap Resort that week?
    22 of 37
    10 years ago
    tim This is the thread where we are planning the June Deal's Gap Trip.
    23 of 37
    10 years ago
    Got the mssg, thanks. Stupid question ==> I have other travle plans for June, can i join for just 2-3 days?
    24 of 37
    10 years ago
     tim sure, i see no reason why not. The apartment room we have is near capacity as we already have 5 guys in the room and it max a maximum of 6 so I would suggest seeing if you can get one of the smaller rooms for the days you'll be there. If not, assuming no one else claims the final bed for the week, you're welcome to stay with us, but I would see about getting your own room.

    25 of 37
    John St John
    10 years ago
    Sorry for the delayed response. Somehow, I missed this post during my hibernation. We are certainly out for this year, but count us in for 2015. And, we'll book the room next to the Apt., for old times sake.

    BTW: we are now taking requests for good scotch, since there's little selection in Maryville.