Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
New Member mjlfjrSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    12 years ago
    A new member just strolled in from the ether:

    With a username of mjlfjr, I'm guessing we have another FJR rider.

    2 of 10
    12 years ago
    Welcome to the board Mike! You'll find all the folks here to be fantastic people and representative of a broad sample of riding experience, skills, and interests. The article you wrote about your accident in Utah was very moving and honest, also highlights that gear works when you wear it.
    3 of 10
    12 years ago
    4 of 10
    12 years ago
    Yermo wrote:

    My bad:
    Link #4510
    11 years ago

    Abrupt End To A Cross-Country Dream : A true, personal story from the experience, I Survived a Motorcycle Accident. On 7 Aug 2012, my long-anticipated, two-week, 6,000-mile, cross-country trip on my beloved 2000 Honda VFR ended abruptly after five days and 2,400 miles in a construction zone on I-70 in the middle of...
    5 of 10
    12 years ago
    Great article. It reminded me of the last time I got really scared on a bike:

    It's a tough thing. We've seen some of us fall in this last year and how much that can shake someone's confidence. We engage in a risky business, this motorcycling. Especially when I haven't ridden in quite some time, as is the case in the middle of winter, I do find myself getting scared from time to time.

    And then I get back on the bike and the debilitating fear goes away, but it's a hard thing to do.
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    Andrew Pain
    12 years ago
    Wait, you guys are stocking ether?
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    12 years ago
    Thanks Yermo. This is a fantastic board. I found it via your great review of the Aerostich Transit jacket and pants. Yours was by far the most thorough and useful review I've seen.
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    12 years ago
    Thanks Rob. It's great to share info and experiences with folks who love motorcycling as much as I do. Thanks for the kind words about my article. One of these days I'm going to finish the blog I started to document my ill-fated cross-county trip.
    9 of 10
    12 years ago
    "...One of these days I'm going to finish the blog ", hmm, that sounds awfully familiar.

    Yermo, any ideas about where I may have heard that before???

    10 of 10
    12 years ago
    @mjlfjr I'm glad you joined us. If you know anyone else who might like to join in the conversations here, please point them this way.

    @rshaug tough crowd. Next someone will ask something about some software that was supposed to be released last month ...