Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
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    1 of 6
    12 years ago
    That thread I started over at ADVRider has turned into quite the conversation:
    Link #4930
    11 years ago

    Some good info, especially about the Eastern Section. Described as "an exercise in navigation".
    2 of 6
    12 years ago
    Nice. Things are progressing on my front with regards to certain scheduling matters that are outside of my control as you're well aware of. We should have a better understanding of overall schedules over the next 6 weeks or so so my fingers are crossed. If not this calendar year than without a doubt next spring easily (regardless of the direction certain things take). That said, right now things look pretty good.

    The exact outcome over the next few months will determine the return trip as well. I may need to ship the bike and fly myself back here at the end.
    3 of 6
    12 years ago
    Understood. I am completely flexible. Once I get the bike prepped and the gear sorted out I would be able to leave on short notice.

    Based on a lot of reading the consensus seems to be that September is the best time to do the TAT. My thinking has been, if possible, leaving in late August would be good. But having said that, we go when we can.
    4 of 6
    12 years ago
    Awesome. I was also thinking that an August departure could be ideal.
    5 of 6
    12 years ago
    Oh yeah... I was also thinking that starting in the spring it would be good to do some 1&2 night overnight camping trips on them, weekend type stuff. Would be a great opportunity to shake the bikes and gear out while also making it something that the larger group might want to participate in.
    6 of 6
    12 years ago
    "get out of my head" as the saying goes.

    of course i"ve been thinking exactly the same thing and have been pondering what trails we might follow.