Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
It's been a while. Taking a three or four day ride through Virginia on the DRSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    8 months ago
    Anyone who rides ADV in Virginia, do you have any recommendations for any good challenging legal gravel roads to explore within 100 miles of the section starting in the upper left at the coffee cup symbol (Starbucks) down to the cabin symbol in the lower left.

    Years ago, I had ridden Woodstock Tower Road off Fort Valley which was really nice with this awesome switchback section on the Western descent but the last time I was up there they had closed it off. That's been a number of years so I intend to see if it's reopened. Crisman Hollow Road South of Fort Valley is always a pleasant easy very pretty woodland ride.

    After that I get into territory I'm less familiar with. I notice there's Red Gate Fire Road (little green dashed section that climbs up to Skyline Drive - Green means sections I want to explore). Open Street Map lists it as unpaved and routes it, but I have to think it's probably gated and off-limits. Does anyone know?

    Just South of that there's Tanners Ridge Fire Road past Tanners Ridge Cementary. Open Street Map doesn't route it so I'm guessing it has to be gated and off-limits as well.

    I'll probably have a few days after I leave. What roads might you suggest in the wider area?

    (I need to create an easier way to get to the interactive map. Click on the ride link below the image then on Plan then the Interactive Map button.)

    Ride #282496
    8 months ago

    A Few Day ADV Ride

    Aaron is doing is Shenandoah Bicycle Ride and has invited me to join him when he stays in a cabin near Skyline Drive. I intend to take the DR and depending on how my shoulder is doing I may extend the trip by a few days and explore new-to-me gravel roads in Virginia and West Virginia. It'll all depend on well I'm doing. That first 89 miles on slab on my DR650 is not something I'm looking forward to.