7 years ago
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World of Motorcycling EP3 Robert Pandya Interview & More 102517 | Free Podcasts | PodOmatic"

This week we start things off by discussing the new 2018 Honda Gold Wing and the changes that have been made to the newest generation of this world famous motorcycle. Then it s on to the latest in industry news. This week we catch up with Robert Pandya Motorcycle Industry Insider who talks with Steve about the challenges facing the future of motorcycling and some possible ways to keeping the industry alive and going strong for the years ahead. We also discuss Johns new rain gear and Walt s Farken Straps! Of course we cover our weekly safety tip and Trivia question and a whole lot more. So grab yourself a hot cup of coffee or a cold ice tea and join us or download the show and take it with you, as we bring you another fun and informative show. For more about the World of Motorcycling please visit www.worldofmotorcycling.com

7 years ago

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