Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania Local RidesSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 8
    4 years ago
    buffalo and I tend to take day rides through Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania, on rare times touching all four. 
    After a serious injury on a scooter no less after a 13 week recovery, he's finally back to riding.

    Yesterday was a nice 200 mile ride bouncing along the Maryland Pennsylvania border that looped through the Catoctin Mountain Park, a long time favorite.

    Ride #89290
    4 years ago

    Post Injury K1300S Test Ride, Attempt 2

    So Saturday's ride attempt was a bust because of a nail Duncan found in his tire. We managed to get the tire replaced so the plan is to attempt an initial post injury K1300S ride on Saturday. Hopefully, we can get an earlier start than what we've mustered lately, but sleep has been so elusive for me.

    2 of 8
    4 years ago
    It was a great ride.
    3 of 8
    4 years ago
    I’m headed to PA at the end of September with some friends. We’ll camp somewhere south of state college for 3 nights and want to do two day-loop rides.

    We’re about a 50/50 mix of street and Adv riders, so I’m trying to figure a nice, scenic road ride plus a way to work in some of the MABDR for the Adv folks. Maybe a destination, e.g., the abandoned turnpike tunnels near Breezewood, then a ride back, leaving the Adv guys off at some point on the bdr. Or a wandering ride to Coulton Point/Grand Canyon of PA and back.

    My question: What are great destinations and is there a way to include some of the best, smaller roads? I have stared at the map endlessly, stitching together rides, but end up with some dull roads for long stretches. 

    Maybe you’ve ridden some stretches worth adding to a loop?

    4 of 8
    4 years ago
    We've done several trips over much of the area you're talking about. I'm much more familiar with areas a bit further South which I can speak of with more authority. I'll look through my trips and see what I noted. 
    5 of 8
    3 years ago
    thanks yermo. I’ve enjoyed your MD routes, south of Breezewood, Pa. Old Williams Rd is still a favorite, with the bridge out at the southern end as a bonus. 

    This time we will be central pa, avout 20 miles south of state college. Any sights worth visiting much appreciated. 
    6 of 8
    3 years ago
    I was looking through my tracks but nothing jumped out me immediately. It's been too long since I've been up that way. 

    Once I get the new map editor/ride planner fielded (soonish?), it'll be much easier to keep lists of the best roads we encounter and then refer back to and share them (to answer questions exactly like yours).
    7 of 8
    3 years ago
    I did this ride and found some nice, very small country roads south of reed’s gap state park, headed down to Breezewood and the abandoned turnpike tunnel bicycle trail. Fun to see. Most of the roads run in the valley, following the SW to NE contours of the mountains. Not many attempt to cross over. 

    running north from reed’s gap s.p. Was harder to do without dirt roads. I loved it, but my street bike friends weren’t crazy about the 9 mile stretch of dirt, replete with a switch back. If you like dirt roads, the bald eagle state forest is a dream!
    8 of 8
    3 years ago
    As buffalo will attest, our "street" rides do tend to involve a fair bit of gravel regardless of how hard we try not to. 

    Ride #90183
    3 years ago

    Cloudy Short Saturday Ride

    The sky is cloud covered but there is little in the way of rain in the forecast.