Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
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    4 years ago
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    Map #74551

    Wayah Rd

    A classic ride out of Nantahala Gorge, Wayah Road climbs along the whitewater river up to Nathahala Lake, crusies along the top of the ridge, then plunges down the steep slopes to roll out across a valley. Loafer's Glory is a popular stop at the Franklin, NC end of the ride. There is a nice pulloff at the waterfalls on the climb up.

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    Map #52025

    The Easy Waterfall Ride

    This is a nice 165 mile loop ride that will take you to a dozen roadside waterfalls in a day. I suggest you run it counter-clockwise as the section between Franklin and Highlands can get busy later in the day and you'll get the 4 lane riding out of the way early. You'll ride some very curvy roads, hit some nice scenery, and take in one section of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Bring the camera!

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    Map #60609

    Roanoke Mountain & Mill Mountain

    There are two attractions on the Blue Ridge Parkway many travelers miss. Roanoke Mountain has a single lane paved one-way loop road that takes you to a couple nice overlooks. Mill Mountain is home to the Roanoke Star which shines down on the city each night.

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    Map #52028

    The Classic Rattler Loop Ride

    This is the most common loop ride done with "The Rattler" - NC 209. It starts and ends at Junaluska covering about 100 miles. This is one of the best Blue Ridge Mountain riding experiences with mountain climbs, beautiful valleys, a nice mix of easy and challenging terrain, historic places and sights, lots of stops, and great scenery.

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    Map #52031

    The Best Curvy Roads Near Floyd, VA

    This 59 mile loop south of Floyd, VA takes you on a nice romp through some of the best twisty sections of the road near town. It crosses the Blue Ridge Parkway twice, and runs through the campus of historic Ferrum College. Sawmill road can be used to bypass the school.