Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
**CANX** Sunday ride - August 25Subscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 22
    11 years ago
    This coming Sunday is shaping up to be an amazing day. Current prediction is 83 and lots of sunshine. Sounds like a great day to ride! I'm going to plan on taking the bike out and would like to head out in the morning and ride most of the day. Anyone else interested?????
    2 of 22
    11 years ago
    Summit point, let's go watch Jeremy race at Summit Point. They say to be there before 10:30.
    3 of 22
    11 years ago
    Maybe back roads to Sperryville, than 211W to Luray, than Fort Valley Road N, turn around at 619 and go back down Fort Valley (it's actually quite different feeling in the opposite direction), back to Luray. Makes for a good, but not crazy long, ride on good roads. Maybe include going over and back Edinburg Gap Road while there.
    4 of 22
    11 years ago
    also up for suggestions
    5 of 22
    11 years ago
    Yermo It would be a pretty early departure form here and a long day at Summit to be sitting around in leathers With the weather looking as good as it is on Sunday I think I'd rather spend the time riding. the early departure isn't as much of a thing as going up there to spend the day watching the races, for that I'd rather take the car so could be in comfier clothes to watch the races. Low 80s and sunny is just screaming "GO RIDE" to me though. I'm even thinking about heading down Rt50 through WV again....that road was fantastic!
    6 of 22
    11 years ago
    Thinking maybe back roads-ish to Winchester, VA than 50 West to the 219 intersection than turn around and come back. I just mapped it and it would be a pretty easy (from a time perspective) day on an AMAZING road.
    7 of 22
    11 years ago
    RT 50 between grafton WV and MD 219 is the best part.
    8 of 22
    11 years ago
    Sounds like the ride should be to Grafton and back.
    9 of 22
    11 years ago
    As it turns out Summit Point is only 15 miles from Winchester. Depending on timing we could meet up along 50 somewhere. I imagine I would probably want to leave the race park after the first race or so. It's only 142 miles from Summit to Grafton. I was telling buffalo about this road this week.

    10 of 22
    11 years ago
    Checking the track of our last ride (how cool is this?), we turned east/right form 219 and I thought that section of 50 was incredible. If 219 to Grafton is better it's a must see.

    Map #7699
    11 years ago

    August 16 2013 VA/WV Twists and Sweeps Epic Day Ride

    An epic day of fast sweepers and beautiful scenery.,

    11 of 22
    11 years ago
    Yermo that's what I was thinking as well, and isurfne clearly liked that stretch. The race schedule is available online, but I don't think Jeremy's race is until the afternoon (could be wrong on that). I'm thinking a 10am departure from Front Royal. 
    12 of 22
    11 years ago
    OK, Plan.

    I will be in Front Royal, VA on Sunday at the Starbucks between 0930 and 10am on Sunday morning. I'm planning on departing Front Royal right around 10am and heading for Grafton, WV on the amazing and beautiful Rt.50. DO NOT think that this is the Rt.50 that we in VA are used to in the Washington DC metro area...noooo...this is an amazing road through farms and mountains, with sweeps and twists. If all goes to plan we'll be in Grafton between 12noon and 1pm-ish. I'm not a slave to the plan or the clock on these rides and will probably be stopping occasionally to take pictures. 

    I've been amazed at the low turnout on these rides...especially with the tremendous weather that we've been having.
    13 of 22
    11 years ago
    14 of 22
    11 years ago
    The plan on our end is to head up to Summit for at least the first part of the day and then head in the general direction of route 50. I'm not sure how far we'll make it. (I've been wicked low energy/run down for the last few days. I'm not sure what's up with me.)

    Keep in touch. Maybe we can meet up on the road or at least cross paths.
    15 of 22
    11 years ago
    (And I need to find some time to get the daily digest working again ... not enough people are coming back to look at the forum. But, strangely, August tends to be a traffic low point in general.)
    16 of 22
    11 years ago
    Rob, is this still a go? I've been wanting to ride that area.
    17 of 22
    11 years ago
    It is. I'm planning on stopping in Manassas around 8:45/9am and then heading out on the route above. I think Yermo is going to head that way later in the day and meet along the route. I'm going to Grafton in a pretty direct route and then back and will be posting my location several times during the ride. If not joining from the beginning it's easy enough to meet up on 55 on the way back. You may want to check with Yermo on his plans for tomorrow as he's coming from more your way.
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    11 years ago
    Jay Also of note... we are planning on a repeat of the bigger WV ride in the next few weeks that may be even more interesting for you.
    19 of 22
    11 years ago
    ***Due to low turnout I'm canxing this as an "official ride". I'll still plan on heading out on the mapped route during the day tomorrow but will not be leaving at a scheduled time or have scheduled stops. I will be heading to Grafton and back and will check in on FB several times during the ride with location.***
    20 of 22
    11 years ago
    We're leaving here (College Park, my house) at 8:30AM and going to head up to Summit Point for a little bit then head out towards 50. The hope is to be able to meet up with Rob somewhere along the way.
    21 of 22
    11 years ago
    I'll see you at the Lair
    22 of 22
    11 years ago
    Very cool. See you here then. buffalo and AGrip will be joining us.