***As Miles By Motorcycle is now doing the AMA Dual Sport the first weekend in October, this thread has now been hijacked to subtly suggest that Duncan needs a DR***
Initial planning thread for a ride to the Pine Barrens in Southern New Jersey. This area has miles and miles of sand and dirt roads through the forest. This is not a hard core OHV trail, although there are some difficult areas that can optionally be tried out, it is for the most part sand and dirt 2-track with some holes, humps, etc. Perfect for ADV bikes!
This is the outing to go on for all the DRs, DRZs, GS's, and anything else that likes getting dirty. Only requirement is that it must be street registered (NJ law says so as believe it or not these are considered 'roads').
Current thinking is a one day ride leaving earlier on Sat morning and coming back Sat night.