Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Tool Kit & Repair RecommendationsSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 4
    11 years ago
    So being a new rider, I'm wondering what most folks might recommend for a tool kit, repair kit, etc. - or what they carry on their bikes. I prefer to be always prepared for most circumstances but would like to not pack 2 saddlebags worth of equipment if I can help it.

    Thoughts & Recommendations?

    Thanks in advance!

    - Gabe
    2 of 4
    11 years ago
    First and foremost carry a tire patch it. Many include CO2 cartridges to use as a stop-gap measure to inflate the tire after a flat. I prefer a compact compressor. The one I always carry with me is:

    Link #6996
    11 years ago

    Aerostich Mini Compressor - Pumps & Air Compressors - Tire Repair - Tools :: Aerostich/RiderWearHouse Motorcycle Jackets, Suits, Clothing, & Gear

    This is the smallest, lightest compressor we carry and one of the most efficient you ll find for its size. This stripped-down mini fits in the palm of your hand and will inflate any motorcycle tire in a couple minutes. When a larger compressor is too much
    After that a basic set of tools. in addition to spare bulbs (having a bulb fail at night sucks). I also try to carry a first-aid kit with me wherever I go.
    3 of 4
    11 years ago
    I usually have a couple of different setups depending on the where and how long of the ride. For day rides (the most typical) I have: a tire repair kit; CO2 thingy (which I use quite a bit - CO2 is very dry and stable, and the tool I use allows very fine adjustment); the basic tools like allen keys, wrenches, leatherman; fuses; and usually a first aid kit. Minimal kit goes under the seat, if going longer or further may have additional in a tank bag.

    For longer trips, all of the above plus additional tools for things like brake maintenance, chain maint, and wheel removal.

    For track days....LOL, real tools
    4 of 4
    11 years ago
    This is awesome stuff, thanks guys! I might order the mini-compressor (ideally with a standard cig. 12v adapter as I had an accessory socket installed in one of the front pockets), but depends on leftover room in the bags, (I usually leave one free for stuffing the backpack and laptop in for work). I already have the full CVS first aid kit but I need to assemble a real one (mini-jump bag) like I used to from my EMS & FF days. I have a moderate amount of room in the built-in panniers, and also keep a plastic covered steel cable in there, bike lock, rain gear, (heated gear if it's going to be any colder than 70 at anytime in the forecast), couple bottles of water and a snack, swiss army knife, a small AM/FM/weatherband solar/crank radio with built in LED flashlight, and a pocket sized edition of the SAS survival guide (never know where you'll break down or how far from civilization, right?) Need to find my old Leatherman instead get some of the above tools. The fuses and bulbs are also a brilliant idea, lol! (Pun optional)