Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Skills - Correct Body PositionSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    11 years ago
    I thought it would be helpful to occasionally post on topics of interest to all of us concerning improving riding skills. For my first post I've decided to tackle "Body Position", as I get asked about this a lot and there are many different approaches. The main things we want to ensure when we look at our body's position on the bike are: best possible control; most available traction; comfort; endurance; and, ability to adjust to circumstances.

    One of the best descriptions of proper positioning I've read was in Sport Rider magazine and I'll include the link to the full article at the end of this post. I consider it a MUST READ for anyone that is looking to be a better rider, on the street or on the track. I'm not saying that this is all you need to know, but it is a very solid beginning and refresher. Some takeaways:

    "proper body position starts at the footpegs and works up from there"

    "Get your body position set well before the corner entrance, as you begin your transition to the brakes, not, as most riders do instinctively, while you initiate your steering input."

    Be relaxed! "You want your body to act like part of the bike's suspension, not part of the frame."

    "grip the bars like you would hold a bird in your hand: tight enough to keep the bird from getting away, but not so tight as to crush it."

    "Use your back and abdominal muscles to help support your upper body weight and keep a light touch on the bars"

    "using the upper and lower body together is by far the most effective and efficient way to steer a motorcycle"

    Link #6947
    11 years ago

    Body Positioning And Steering Techniques - Sport Rider Magazine

    Learn the proper riding position and steering techniques - Sport Rider Magazine

    Note the picture below for an extreme example of getting your body into position. This is looking at the middle of a track's "S" corners. Notice that number 30 is coming out of the apex and is still in his right-turn lean, number 45 is pulling his bike back upright between the apex and exit of the right hand bend, and number 32 is already getting his body in position for the left hand portion of the "S" at the exit of the right hand bend. Also note that although it looks like they are leading with their heads and upper bodies, they have already started shifting their butts across the seats and are changing the load on the balls of their feet from right to left. 
    Photo #6948
    11 years ago

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    11 years ago
    This is great stuff, but will definitely take some practice. I will most definitely be digesting this as much as possible before this Sunday's ride. Thanks dude, please keep the tips coming!