Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
VA/MD Sunday Ride? 30JuneSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 43
    11 years ago
    It's been quite a while since any of us have met up for a nice day of riding. If the weather hold like it's supposed to, it should be nice out this weekend. Is there interest in a day ride? Maybe someplace cooler like head towards the mountains; MD/WV/PA corner run; Fort Valley Road + the other area roads???? Am up for discussion.

    I'll have the Ninja put back together this week and ready for some nice roads.


    YermobuffalojpcfjrYun Lung YangAGrip Anyone else?
    2 of 43
    11 years ago
    You mean June 30, right?
    3 of 43
    11 years ago
    Yermo LOl yes, edited...thanks
    4 of 43
    11 years ago
    We're starting to run out of places within a days ride that we haven't been a bunch of times. Looking at the map, however, I notice there's an area past the end of 66 we haven't explored and there's a road there named Cold Springs Road.

    It also looks like that awesome road 675 runs right into that area. So we could do 211 to 675 and then continue on through Edinburgh to the far side of 81 and go check that area out. It would be something different. 
    5 of 43
    11 years ago
    I'm in! Who else is in? jpcfjr buffaloAGripYun Lung Yang Anyone else in the NOVA/SOMD area???
    6 of 43
    11 years ago
    Unfortunately, I work until 4pm.
    7 of 43
    11 years ago
    What about that area up around Woodstock, MD and north of there? I don't think we've been there more than once, and it's been a while.
    8 of 43
    11 years ago
    Hm, might go - that is if you guys don't mind a noob, lol!
    9 of 43
    11 years ago
    buffalo that sounds good too I'm up for pretty much anything.
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    11 years ago
    Gabewe don't discriminate. If you would like to join us you are absolutely welcome to and we will ride at whatever pace you are comfortable with.
    11 of 43
    11 years ago
    Gabe you absolutely should join us. We are a good group for beginning riders as everyone in the crew has long ago gotten over themselves We are big proponents of "Ride your own ride"...that is, don't feel compelled to ride any faster than you are absolutely comfortable with and never go outside of your comfort zone to meet a perceived obligation. I'm sure we will find a great mix of roads and I think I can speak for the whole crew in that if we come across a particularly tasty environment (corner, series of corners, etc) we would be happy to stop and go through it a few times to work on a particular skill.

    I'll bring a couple of GoPros with me and would be happy to provide some "chase plane" coverage for anyone that wants it.
    12 of 43
    11 years ago
    Gabe, what rshaug said. You will likely not find a more beginner friendly group to ride with. 

    buffaloet al, where/when should be meet? Did we want to head North or South? If Gabe joins us we could meet here at my house and head northish ... 
    13 of 43
    11 years ago
    Nobody at the lake house this weekend.  Boat's in the water...just sayin...
    I'm in for a ride heading most any direction.
    14 of 43
    11 years ago
    Lair at 10?
    15 of 43
    11 years ago
    Lair at 10.

     Gabe are you joining us? 

    Who else is in?
    16 of 43
    11 years ago
    Thanks for the warm invite fellas, I'm definitely in and will pack the rain gear just in case. Just need an address. Rough idea when we'll wrap up perchance? Scheduling with the family and all.
     Thanks guys!   PS - I'm coming from Rockville, if it's not raining I can use my GPS mount for my iPhone and pretty much find most anywhere. If it's raining, I'll be leaving earlier and stopping periodically to check ye old paper map, or break out the ziplock bag and paper-tape again, lol!
    17 of 43
    11 years ago
    I'll PM you my address.
    18 of 43
    11 years ago
    We usually end up in the late afternoon. We can adjust course accordingly.
    19 of 43
    11 years ago
    Thanks, got it! That should be just fine as long as I'm back before dusk, (back on baby duty then, lol!) I'll break out my Go-Pro and spare batteries too... though a chase cam would be interesting as an educational lesson and critique for areas to improve on.
    20 of 43
    11 years ago
    The weather forecast for Sunday is starting to look more iffy. 60% chance of rain vs, as buffalo pointed out to me, 30% on Saturday. 

    Should we consider scheduling the ride for Saturday instead?
    21 of 43
    11 years ago
    I'll see if I can make Saturday work, I think we had plans though.
    22 of 43
    11 years ago
    I saw that forecast, (usually more reliable once they reach the 3 day mark). Saturday works for me too and I always prefer not to be sprinkled by the gods if I can help it. 
    23 of 43
    11 years ago
    I have to shuffle some things around as Yun Lung Yang and I were scheduled to work on bikes and we were also scheduled to coach Sitwon and Robert in the afternoon. 

    So I'm thinking coaching/bike work Sunday. Does that work for you guys (Robert/Ben)?
    24 of 43
    11 years ago
    That works for me. The higher probability of rain on that day makes me nervous too, but not nervous enough to not go for it anyway! What time were you thinking?

    I can do Monday and Friday next week in addition to that. Tuesday and Wednesday are looking busy, and I think you're going to be busy the 4th. 
    25 of 43
    11 years ago
    Robert Let's touch base with Sitwon about times. Yun Lung Yang and I will be working on bikes but with only a 60% chance of rain there are bound to be multi-hour gaps. Maybe we should play it by ear if that works. Could do early or late whenever the rain lets up. Earlier would probably be better from a rain point of view since we tend to get thunderstorms in the afternoon.