Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Anyone having problems logging in using their phone?Subscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 9
    7 years ago
    I'm trying to track down an issue. I've had some reports that occasionally members are unable to log in. I'm not sure when or how it's happening.

    Have any of you had problems when trying to log into the site using your phone?
    2 of 9
    7 years ago
    iPhone 6, no problem. 
    3 of 9
    7 years ago
    Google Nexus 6P, no problem.
    4 of 9
    Works for me.
    5 of 9
    7 years ago
    Thanks, guys.
    6 of 9
    6 years ago
    I guess this is kind of an old thread however I haven't had any problems logging in on my LG Zone 3 Optimus however I've not been able to post any links for the past couple days to show things like the muffler I was looking at for a part that I'm looking at buying asking for opinion
    7 of 9
    6 years ago
    When posting links do you mean from your phone? Or from a computer? 

    What happens when you try?
    8 of 9
    6 years ago
    well when I first started posting links to anything it would allow me to just cut copy paste the web address to the wreck site now and wants me to do small crazy stuff and embed link page comes up but it's only partially loaded it glitches and won't allow me to do anything

     like my post about using a DC muffler for a sport compact I couldn't post the link to it on Amazon or on eBay or anything else because every time I put the link in and try to space away from it or not ultralink it caused me to have to try to upload and inbed.

     I'll try again later and I'll remember to look and see what messages or Pages come up when I try
    9 of 9
    6 years ago
    Oh. Ok. I guess that new popup isn't as clear as it needs to be.

    Paste in the link.

    A popup should appear. Let it finish.

    Click the Embed button.

    You'll get a nice "card" for the link.