Group Ride for a Safer 2013 Riding Season-FREESaturday, March 23, 2013, 8:00 AMRegency Furniture Stadium11765 St. Linus Drive, Waldorf, MDREQUIREMENTS (Please become familiar with road hand signals)AGENDA8:30 - 10:00amRiding Drills & Exercises. Upon completion of a no liability waiver, you can practice your riding skills. A course will be set up for 2- 24x70 U-Turns, 360 degree turns, weave and stop all in the same breath. (smile) Group practice ride; roles of road captains- What is the safest way to change lanes?11:00 A.M. - 12:-00 P.M."RIDE LIKE A PRO" will provide (2) discussions including demo's with 2up riding techniques which includes a demonstration also. Attendees will find the experience fun and educational. There will be (2) Resource Tables of Examples, Safe riding habits, magazines, books, & other resourceful Information)RESOURCE & INFORMATION TABLES- Motorcycle Magazines (Donated)- Book: Back in the Saddle Again-How to Overcome Fear of Riding After a Motorcycle Accident Brenda L. Bates, MA, CHt- Maryland Motorcycle Safety Foundation Materials- ASMI Resources- Increasing Motorcycle Awareness Advice to Drivers & Riders CardsMEDICAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TABLE- Contents of a First Aid Kit- Contents of a Trauma Kit- "business card" size Content list "What do I need in my ER Trauma/1st Aid Kit"--Kickstands-Up Individual Emergency Information Cards- Group Ride Master Sheet & moreThe Event will end no later than 1:00 p.m.ASMI - Accident Scene Management, Incorporated. The leading international motorcycle trauma training association. Teach what to do in order to prevent injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists.(Awaiting reply) Two ASMI Advanced Trained Bystanders were on their way home 2/1/2013 when, they came upon a motorcycle rider who had gone down with several people standing around him.Full Story:, knowledge along with, safe riding habits is how we avoid accidents so, we emailed "Ride Like a Pro" and "Road" requesting that, they attend this event to not only, demonstrate how to ride like a pro but, share pertinent safety information on how to care for the injured until EMT arrives. Check out their website. I will keep you abreast of their response.