Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
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    1 of 9
    7 years ago
    Link #48869
    7 years ago

    BBC - Future - Meet the motorbike-racing robot

    The development of a robot created to compete with human motorbike racing times has implications beyond the track.
    Some day soon, that rider who just passed you on an R1 may not be who you think they are(!)
    2 of 9
    7 years ago
    Robo-biker cops a la THX-1138?
    3 of 9
    7 years ago
    I didn't even think about that. Skynet here we come.
    4 of 9
    This may be fine for self-driving cars but I do see a bit of a flaw with self-driving motorcycles of this type - a.k.a. no room for me.
    5 of 9
    7 years ago
    Hmm. But it might be of use to those who can't find a riding buddy. ;) 
    6 of 9
    7 years ago
    A fully robotic policeman might also raise an interesting legal question:  having watched enough "Cops" re-runs, I know that a police dog is considered equivilent to a human officer in terms of criminal charges being levied for an assault on a police dog by a suspect.

    How would a robot bike cop be considered if some perp decided, "Yeah,'ll never take me alive copper!"  And ran the bike-bot off the road leading to serious damage or its damage or assault on an officer?

    P.S. Use your best Edward G. Robinson or Rocky the gangster from Bugs Bunny voice for the perp above.

    7 of 9
    7 years ago
    There's been talk of autonomous traffic enforcement bots. Imagine a photo speed camera in an autonomous vehicle driving along in traffic ... 
    8 of 9
    7 years ago
    Those would NEVER be the target of some enterprising hacker!
    9 of 9
    7 years ago
    If memory serves, Ben Mendis was telling me about some remote hacks that have been documented involving a number of different vehicles. 

    In general, if it has a processor it can be hacked. It's a disconcerting world that we find ourselves in.