Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Yin and YangSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 6
    12 years ago
    The first meeting ...

    Photo #854
    12 years ago
    Yin and Yang
    2 of 6
    12 years ago
    Damn. It looks like I got a chick bike:

    "Yin is the black and yang is the white.

    The yin is feminine, Earth, water, coldness, etc. and is related to fate. The yang is masculine, Heaven, fire, heat, etc. and is connected to free-will. Neither is good or bad. According to Daoism (also known as Taoism), everyone contains both yin and yang. Whenever there is less of one there is more of the other. We need to strive to keep them both in balance."
    3 of 6
    12 years ago
    Remember, something that is Yin is not all things that are Yin.
    4 of 6
    12 years ago
    Well said.
    5 of 6
    Yun Lung Yang
    12 years ago
    if you gotten a white helmet it'll be perfect, rob will have a black helmet. It'll be a perfect yin yang combo.
    6 of 6
    12 years ago
    It is the plan to get a white helmet.