Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
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    12 years ago
    So I've been working like a madman and I've made tremendous progress on the software behind the site over the last 5 months. I've put in somewhere around 1000 hours on it so far.

    The guts have been reworked and in my development code here I'm at the point where I can do most of what I have been talking about.

    I have been saying for a while that my target for getting the first new release out for you guys to play with would be by the end of December and I was on track to make that happen by the skin of my teeth.

    Unfortunately, I've run into a nasty technical snag that is conspiring to set me back by a week or two. (doing browser side code is just hateful.)

    Late last night, however, I finally found a tidbit of information that looks like it's going to let me do what I need to. Now it's just a matter of spending the few days implementing the solution.

    Once all the foundation stuff is built doing the maps will actually not take that long at all.

    But doing this foundation stuff is killing me.

    I'll keep you all posted on my (lack of) progress.