Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
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    1 of 8
    7 years ago
    Last weekend, buffalo and I took  a little ride North and West of DC as we often do. We stopped to see a rather large field of sun flowers and then headed off randomly. We've been riding through all these areas for decades but still managed to find some of the longest sections of nice twisty lane and a half wide roads we ridden in a long time. It's always surprising to me what one can find hiding in the back yard. 

    Map #37513
    7 years ago

    Poolsville SunFlowers and Harpers Ferry Area ride

    The intent had been to go see a field of sun flowers that were starting to bloom in Poolesville, Md. It's quite a large field. Afterwards we headed out along random roads where ever the mood took us. We've been riding through these areas for decades and managed to find significantly long narrow twisty little roads we never knew existed.

    I was on my '92 K100RS and Duncan on his '09 K1300S.

    2 of 8
    7 years ago
    Yeah, despite the number of times we've been out, there are definitely good roads out that that we've not yet found. Nothing to do for it but keep riding
    3 of 8
    7 years ago
    I concur.
    4 of 8
    7 years ago
    I'm a few weeks late in posting this, but ryan647 and I managed to get out for a decent ride through the Maryland countryside. Hopefully, there will be many more.
    Map #39467
    7 years ago

    Day Ride With Ryan

    Ryan and I took a day ride through the Northern Maryland countryside. It was the first time we had been out with him on his VFR800 in many years.

    5 of 8
    7 years ago
    Yermo, there will definitely be many more.  We should figure out a time to go on a ride with buffalo here shortly. 
    6 of 8
    7 years ago
    I concur!
    7 of 8
    7 years ago
    This was a good ride. (And I still have quite a few bugs and usability issues to fix but we now have the beginnings of a way to schedule rides and then create a rolling 'build as you go" ride report.)
    Ride #39842
    6 years ago

    Frederick Municipal Watershed and Michaux State Forest Gravel Roads Day Ride

    This turned into a beautiful cool ride along a number of dirt roads we had yet to explore.

    8 of 8
    7 years ago
    Yesterdays' ride through the area North and East of Front Royal, Virginia turned out to be one of the best rides we've had this season. It's remarkable how varied the landscapes can be even so close to home. What's become apparent, now looking at our typical rides on the map, is that we tend to follow set paths that we're comfortable on without thinking to explore some of the areas we've been riding past all these years. This was a consequence I had not anticipated.

    Ride #42089
    7 years ago

    North of I66 East of Front Royal

    To our surprise there are quite a few very nice twisty hilly roads in the area East of Front Royal and North of I66. The weather was gorgeous with dramatic skies. It was cool and windy but very pleasant. Our first target was Virginia Route 626 which is a beautiful rolling old rock wall lined road that wends its way through the countryside. From there we intersected 50 and turned left on SR 713 which was another simply beautiful road. We encountered a number of beautiful very old homes along the way. We made our way to Route 17 which we had ridden last weekend and stopped at Sky Meadows State Park where some civil war event was taking place. From there we headed North to Route 601 which is this tree lined dramatically hilly and curvy mountain road. We missed our planned turn and found ourselves on 7. We turned left onto Route 606 along the Shenandoah River. At one point as we slowed down to look for a spot to take a photo, a large branch fell in the roadway ahead of us. There were just too many good roads to remember them all. Cold Stream Road towards the end of the day off 29 stands out as does Route 6. The sun started to set as we turned onto Route 522 North which marked the point we started our way home.