Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Weekend Ride - 26-29OctSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 21
    12 years ago
    We're thinking about a nice fall ride for the weekend of the 27th-28th to include one or two nights away.

    For scheduling purposes it looks like a departure on the morning of the 27th might make the most sense, with a targeted return of either late Sunday evening or Monday.
    2 of 21
    12 years ago
    I can get away Saturday morning once I get permission to cash in some spousal credits.

    I have a commitment Friday night so sat morn is the earliest I can get out.
    3 of 21
    12 years ago
    This area is about an hour and a half North of College Park. There are some truly great little twisty roads out there and beautiful countryside. Rolling hills. Valleys. Farmland. Old roads.

    Depending on how much riding we want to do we could consider heading in the general direction fo the Eastern Grand Canyon area which has some great roads:

    Link #4870
    11 years ago

    PA Grand Canyon - Lodging, Attractions, Restaurants, Maps

    PA Grand Canyon Attractions, Lodging, Directions, Restaurants, Shopping, Articles, Maps. The Pennsylvania Grand Canyon known as the Pine Creek Gorge.

    It's about 259 miles from College Park.

    4 of 21
    12 years ago
    We could potentially leave the morning of Sat the 27th and head towards PACanyon aiming to get near there Sat night via good roads and taking our time. Then see the canyon on Sunday heading back towards home Sunday afternoon. We'd get back by late Sunday night.
    5 of 21
    12 years ago
    Hey Rob,

    Did you delete a post. I got a notification about a post talking about maybe heading to Ohio but I don't see there. Wondering if my software glitched on you.

    Ohio would also be doable. Personally, I think I'd prefer a largely goal-less trip seeking out new roads but I'm up for about anything.

    Here's to hoping the weather holds.
    6 of 21
    12 years ago
    I like the "goal-less" idea a lot. Maybe just settle on a direction and an emnd-of-day destination.

    Yes, I deleted a post. I realized that the area I put was 8 hours by superslab and immediately self-rejected it
    7 of 21
    12 years ago
    Stake in the Ground:

    The Virginia elements of the crew will leave early-ish Saturday morning, mustering at the Starbucks accross from the Springfield Mall at 0800, and head towards College Park to meet either at Mordoor (aka Yermo's) or the local Starbucks. We will confirm the intial journey direction from there and head out. Between there/then and Sunday we will be somewhere. We will target a return later Sunday night.
    8 of 21
    12 years ago
    Sounds perfect. I figure we can meet at Starbucks across the street.

    Let's keep our fingers crossed for passable weather.
    9 of 21
    12 years ago
    I would love to do this ride - been wanting to ride to the EGC. Not sure if I have enough "spousal credits" though. What type of arrangements were you looking at for sat evening?
    10 of 21
    12 years ago
    Figured we'll probably just grab a couple of hotel rooms where we think the end of day Saturday looks like it'll be.
    11 of 21
    12 years ago
    Agreed. I imagine somewhere in middle/eastern Pennsylvania.

    (continues to work like mad on the software so that by next season we'll have the group ride scheduler that will make all this so much easier.)
    12 of 21
    11 years ago
    I have two reservations regarding this weekend. First, I am not thrilled about coming home in the dark Sunday night. The deer are just FREAKING me out lately.

    And B, the weather looks like it might not cooperate with this hurricane potentially bearing down on us.

    I'm thinking of scaling back to a Saturday daytime ride if anybody is interested.

    13 of 21
    11 years ago
    I agree. In looking at the forecast sunday is looking bad throughout the area. With that in mind I think k a long sat ride makes sense. We can save the overnight for another time.
    14 of 21
    11 years ago
    I'm disappointed, but I agree. I've had two deer strikes on four wheels, don't want any on two. So, what time do we meet at Yermo's Starbucks, or "the Lair"?
    15 of 21
    11 years ago
    I would suggest 9:30 or so at Starbucks?
    16 of 21
    11 years ago
    A day ride is fine with me as well. Looking at the forecast it looks like Sunday just won't be any fun. I'm less concerned about deer than I am wet leaves in blind corners on less traveled roads.

    I'd still like to head North of Baltimore if that's ok with everyone. We could do side roads up or just super-slab it to good roads and make our way in a big loop north and west. We could party company on the western side near Route 15. It would make for a really good day ride.
    17 of 21
    11 years ago
    Well, if its down to a Saturday ride, I'm in!
    18 of 21
    11 years ago
    I kinda want to find my way to the Triumph dealer in Frederick, MD. I'm really feeling the Street Triple R is going to be my next bike. It's just a matter of the '12 or '13 model. Decisions, decisions...

    Ok, I know nobody wants to go there. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing on Saturday.
    19 of 21
    11 years ago
    I'm planning on being at the Starbucks near the Springfield Mall between 0800 and 0830, then heading to Yermo's Startbucks by 0930. Virginians are welcome and encouraged to join me at the Springfield Starbucks if it's on your way to Yermo's. I plan on leaving the Springfield Starbucks at 0830.
    20 of 21
    11 years ago
    @Josh We will be heading around north of Frederick and passing down south right past there on the way home. Not sure if it'll be early enough in the day though, but just saying ... anyways, isn't winter the best time to look at bikes? Good riding days are waning ...
    21 of 21
    11 years ago
    Good points all. I am completely beat at this juncture. Worked a full day, drove the rents to the airport, spent two hours finalizing the transaction that alleviated me of that other bike. Not sure I'll make it out tomorrow.