Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Beloved Blue Burning Oil on all 4 Cylinders again.Subscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 9
    12 years ago
    It looks like Beloved Blue was dropping two cylinders because of corrosion on the contacts of the ignition control module which drives the coils. It's been a recurring problem.

    The control module gets quite hot. The paste between it and it's heat sink had long since disappeared.

    De-Oxit and De-Oxit Shield on the contacts and some heat sink thermal paste and it's burning oil once again on all four cylinders.

    All is right in the world.
    2 of 9
    12 years ago
    Burning oil in 100% of your cylinders is better than burning oil in 50% of your cylinders? German logic...

    So when are you going ride that thing out this way again? Now that it's burning oil on all cylinders again, that is.
    3 of 9
    12 years ago
    lol. Since meeting Rob, I've been getting ribbed a lot more for riding such an oil bike. At some point, Rob named it "The Oil Burner" for the old tech it represented.

    I think they've also referred to it as the coal burner, but oil burner, since it always has burned a bit of oil, has stuck.

    hmmm. Out There you say? I was thinking about that very thing today as a matter of fact. But isn't it your turn to come out here for a ride?
    4 of 9
    12 years ago
    Yermo wrote:
    hmmm. Out There you say? I was thinking about that very thing today as a matter of fact. But isn't it your turn to come out here for a ride?

    Um, yeah, but don't go changing the subject on us, here. Anyway, I've got excuses and stuff.

    Now that you've been to northern Alaska, wouldn't it just be like a ride around the block?

    Since you brought it up, how's "my" bike nowadays? The front end all happy again?
    5 of 9
    12 years ago
    Your bike is actually better than ever. It looks a bit rougher but handles /so/ much better. Ohlins front and rear. Sticky 2CT tires. After the wreck in Deal's Gap, the front end has been repaired. It now has a Corbin seat that is a massive improvement.

    But the bike may be cursed ... there was a little mishap at Total Control ... but it only suffer cosmetic blemishes.

    Crazy to think it'll have 30K miles on it the next time I take it out ....

    I'm sure it's thinking "You never call. You never write."
    6 of 9
    12 years ago
    Awesome. Glad the hear that the blue beast is back in the land of the living
    7 of 9
    12 years ago
    Just for the record, my comments about Yermo's rolling classic were be no means intended to be insulting. The USS Constitution for example is still a mighty fine ship. Aside from the somewhat unusual riding position (apparently helpful to have the forward reach of a particularly limber chimpanze), and the fact that it shines a warning light if you don't use the back brake, it is an amazingly stable platform. And were a comet to impact earth in the vicinity of the parking lot, I think we know which bike would ride out barely worse for wear. I am personally glad to see it on every ride knowing that if we were to be ambushed by terrorists, saftey from bullets is only a matter of diving behind the K's engine - a solid 900-1100lbs block of German steel.

    8 of 9
    12 years ago

    A bike carefully engineered for those with freakishly long arms ...
    9 of 9
    12 years ago
    (had to catch my breath. LAUGH!!!)