Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
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    26 of 31
    12 years ago that serious and considerable thought.
    27 of 31
    12 years ago
    Ok, I'll meet you guys at IHOP at 6:30 latest...probably get there before. I don't have my stuff together enough to get out tonight so I'll just leave my house early.

    Early to bed, early to rise.

    See you at O'dark:30!
    28 of 31
    12 years ago
    My zombified carcass will meet you guys at Ihop at 0630.
    29 of 31
    12 years ago
    "Ugh. It is entirely too early in the morning to be up." I muse as I consider that Josh has probably been on the road for a while by now ...
    30 of 31
    12 years ago
    What a FANTASTIC day learning to ride better. Other than punting Yermo Ayrton Senna style on the way to lunch, I don't think this class could have gone better.

    There is excellent video that hopefully Yermo can post of us as we lapped the course at the end of the day.
    31 of 31
    12 years ago
    I'm working on the video. I spent yesterday futzing with various video editing solutions under Linux. Finally settled on a project called OpenShot which seems to work and allows me to do the basic things I want to. I'll work on it some more today and hopefully have something to show.

    The video from the Sony camera actually turned out really well as did some of the GoPro footage.