Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Total Control Level 2Subscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 31
    12 years ago
    There is a Total Control class at Howard CC on October 6th. Anybody interested? Given my recent riding exploits, I think it's high time for me to get some additional training.

    Would love to go with people I know...

    Here is the link to TC schedule:

    Here is the link to HCC: 1
    2 of 31
    12 years ago
    Yea, I'm up for that.
    3 of 31
    12 years ago
    Yeah, I might well be. Though I'll need to get some actual riding time in before that. Way behind on riding this year...
    4 of 31
    12 years ago
    I'm registered. There is still plenty of room in the class but it is limited to 12. I was told yesterday that there were 6 slots left but this morning a different person said "only a few have signed up and there is plenty of room". So worst case there are still 5 slots left.

    I will ride up Saturday morning and if we can coordinate I'd like to meet for breakfast or at least coffee before the class. At that time in the morning there is no traffic so I could meet just about anywhere on the way.

    Post here when you have registered.

    PS. Since the classroom portion is held in Duncan Hall, I would think Duncan must register
    5 of 31
    12 years ago
    I'm registered now.

    Breakfast is a definite. During the last Total Control course I was so wiped out by the end of the day I nearly fell asleep during the last classroom session, which was unfortunate.

    And I agree, Duncan should attend.

    For the rest of you guys who have a year or more of riding experience, (Yes, Yun, definitely you), I strongly suggest taking Total Control I.


    There are slots open In August, September and October. Highly recommended. Do not wait. Do not pass go. Just go take the course.
    6 of 31
    12 years ago
    Open courses are listed here:

    7 of 31
    12 years ago
    For those that have not taken the first class yet, there is still time to sign up so you can take TC2 with us.
    8 of 31
    12 years ago
    Which would be awesome.
    9 of 31
    12 years ago
    Darnit. The band was offered a choice festival gig on the same day as the class. No way I can do both. Might need to postpone the class.
    10 of 31
    12 years ago
    11 of 31
    12 years ago
    It's official, I'm going to the Total Control 2 class. My other plans painfully fell through (a story for a different audience) so I'm good with the class.

    The plan is to take the BMW. I should be getting my TwinMax carb tuner today so tonight or tomorrow I will get the bike working again assuming there is nothing else wrong. Then I plan to shake it out over the next two weeks. If that fails, I'll take the camel.
    12 of 31
    12 years ago
    Hmm. This appears to be a dead link, or HCC's server is down ATM.
    13 of 31
    12 years ago
    Seems to be working now.
    14 of 31
    12 years ago
    Duncan, are you signing up?
    15 of 31
    12 years ago
    Seriously considering it.
    16 of 31
    12 years ago
    ...and the verdict is?
    17 of 31
    12 years ago
    I'm in.
    18 of 31
    12 years ago
    19 of 31
    12 years ago
    Awesome. Let's all meet up for breakfast.
    20 of 31
    12 years ago
    Yes, breakfast would be a must, as is bringing a good lunch and some portable caffeine. By the end of the last course I was dozing off, and missed some of the classroom suspension stuff.
    21 of 31
    12 years ago
    Agreed. I fell asleep in the last session I was so tired.
    22 of 31
    12 years ago
    S is good to go after some fiddling yesterday. I'll take it to Charlottesville on Thursday for final shakedown.

    Let's discuss meet-up time and place before Friday night.
    23 of 31
    12 years ago
    I suggest the Ihop here in College Park. According to Google Maps it's about a 30 minute drive to Howard CC if there's no traffic so we should leave Ihop to head North no later than 7:10 I would say to let us get there, find the room, sign in, etc.

    Meet @ Ihop 6:30AM or should we meet a bit earlier?
    24 of 31
    12 years ago
    Damn, I need to leave my house at 5:30...ugh...
    25 of 31
    12 years ago
    Which is why I suggested that maybe you come up Friday night and crash in the Guest and Gear room instead.