The Angry Chicken is now gone. You must be logged in and belong to this group to post to this forum.
1 of 5 The cycle transport company came by this morning with a specially rigged van to pick up the Angry Chicken. It was completely hassle free. It's a company called D&K Services out of New Jersey.
The driver said it would cost somewhere around $800 to ship the bike to the West Coast. Interesting.
Well, it's gone now. It was an interesting little experiment but I am now glad that it's over.
2 of 5 Glad to hear that its sale and departure went off without problems.
Enjoy the extra elbow room in the garage.
3 of 5 Excellent. Onward and upward!
4 of 5 ...and I never got a chance to wreck it. ;-/
5 of 5 It would have been a cross cultural experience. You didn't miss much. It was time for the thing to go. Unfortunately, it did not command nearly the price I had expected. I'm not sure if that's just because the market for it wasn't there or whether I did something wrong in the selling of it.