Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
MOTUS at Battley MotorcycleSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 12
    13 years ago
    Just thought you DC area guys would be interested.
    The new MOTUS American bike being built in Birmingham will be on a East Coast tour.
     Friday the 14th at Battley in Gaitisburg MD

    They are also in Philly on Thursday....

    I was going to try an bop over but I'm stuck with adulthood next week !
    2 of 12
    13 years ago
    Awesome. Thanks for the pointer! I think there may need to be an outing ...

    I was reading up on the Motus but I have to admit my enthusiasm for the design is a bit dampened by the fact that they apparently used the Chevy Smallblock engine as inspiration for the design. A ground up engine design in 2011 that uses /pushrods/? I don't know if I can get my head around that one ...
    3 of 12
    13 years ago
    Yes I know what you mean about the pushrod dodaa!
    But WTF it's interesting anyway, and may have it's place for touring motorcycle.
    They are bragging about balance and weight distribution .....
    Does look like the love child of a Ducati and a Chevy S10.

    But maybe it's a Halle Berry.....
    4 of 12
    13 years ago
    Yermo wrote:
    A ground up engine design in 2011 that uses /pushrods/? I don't know if I can get my head around that one ...

    Come on, now... it's an AMERICAN motorcycle. Anyway, what's so bad about pushrods? Besides, your R1100S engine is based on, what, an early 17th century design?

    My beef with the Motus is that I don't like motorcycles with car-size engines. It's got a 1.6 liter engine! My 900 is plenty for me.
    5 of 12
    13 years ago
    Hey I'm not stuck on US made....that ship sailed long ago!
    Of Course Eric Buell did have some wonderful ideas that worked well, did amazing considering the early Hardly Ableson Engines.

    It's worth a look,besides the last Canadian Motorcycle was built of Maple Wood and powered by two Racoon's on a tread mill, chasing a cup of POUTINE!
    6 of 12
    13 years ago
    I've been carefully following the progress of the Motus because I dream of one day owning a sport touring bike that was made here. However, they've got a LONG way to go to catch the utility/power/fun of my feejer.

    I'd like to see one in person but not on a Friday...some of us work for a living for Pete's sake!

    Maybe at the International Motorcycle Show?
    7 of 12
    13 years ago
    Yorktown VA. On Saturday @ Redline Motorsports.....just sayin

    Your right about your Yami.....hard to beat ST wise.
    8 of 12
    13 years ago

    It's worth a look,besides the last Canadian Motorcycle was built of Maple Wood and powered by two Racoon's on a tread mill, chasing a cup of POUTINE!

    That may be true, although there is the, uh, not quite a motorcycle CanAm Spyder. Not sure where those are made, but that's a Canadian company.

    The riders around here in Victoria ride everything under the sun. There are quite a few Harley riders and I would say that the Harley dealership is the largest of all the local dealerships. You also see lots of older bikes on the road, because everything is more expensive here and you've got lots of people making do with older hardware. Lastly, we've got lots of scooters, because unlike DC, where you'd get obliterated by the super-aggressive SUV-heavy traffic, Victoria is a scooter-friendly town.

    Not to worry, I'm not going to be trading in my Monster on a scooter, a Spyder or anything else.

    I like the idea of a new American motorcycle manufacturer making headlines. I hope it turns out to be a good bike and a successful business.

    What ever happened to the sportbike maker Fischer? Might have the spelling wrong, but the guy was based in MD or VA I think.
    9 of 12
    13 years ago
    Not sure what happened to the Fischer...come to think of it......probably what you would guess
    It will take the attention and expertise of a
    " moon shot" to be a success in the motoercycle business.....
    My Brotherinlaw, wife and kids live in Victoria
    Originally from Vernon BC and were in Montreal for five years.

    Thanks for the Can-Am we sure needed it for the Orthodontist's and Proctoligist's to ride to the club! LoL
    10 of 12
    13 years ago
    Anybody go to Battley's to see this bike?
    11 of 12
    13 years ago
    Thanks for the Can-Am we sure needed it for the Orthodontist's and Proctoligist's to ride to the club! LoL

    All I can say is, OUCH!
    12 of 12
    13 years ago