Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Ride Tomorrow?Subscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 11
    13 years ago
    So there's talk of doing a ride earlyish tomorrow. I'm thinking leave around 9AM? Josh, Yun, Duncan and I.

    We were talking about maybe heading out to White's Ferry but if it's wet the roads out that way will be a bit muddy.

    Josh was saying Blue Ride but the first section is a bit boring and that's a long haul from here.

    If we left here at around 9 we could be out near 81 around 10:30 or so if we did highway between here and there.

    2 of 11
    Yun Lung Yang
    13 years ago
    I'm up by 6 am. I'm up to leave at 8 or 9. I'm an early bird so the earlier the better for me.
    3 of 11
    13 years ago
    Yeah, the weather's looking better for tomorrow now. I'm seeing mostly cloudy with patchy drizzle in the morning, then partly sunny, 70F with a 20% chance of rain in the afternoon.

    White's Ferry could be quite muddy as you mention, unless it's had time to dry--where would be be riding to otherwise? And what time would we leave (8 or 9 or)?

    I'm guessing rain gear would be in order, and it might be time to bring the vest along too if it got cool enough where we rode...
    4 of 11
    13 years ago
    Thinking leave my house at 9:30AM ... then head "somewhere" to meet Josh. Yun will be joining us.
    5 of 11
    13 years ago
    OK, unless I hear otherwise, I'll plan on being at your house at 9:30.
    6 of 11
    13 years ago
    Cool. I'll be up and ready to go by 9:30. We just need to pick a place to meet Josh. The roads out to Whiltes Ferry will probably be too muddy.

    Traffic shouldn't be too bad. We could even just make the loop up and around out 66 ... might make for a long day though.
    7 of 11
    13 years ago
    I'll be ready to head out at 9:30ish. Frankly, this one is more about getting out of the house and hanging with some like-minded motorcyclists that I don't get to see that often than the actual ride. But hey, that's me.

    Let's chat in the morning.
    8 of 11
    13 years ago
    Why would Whites Ferry be muddy? I see no rain in the vicinity.
    9 of 11
    13 years ago
    Looks like the forecast has changed again. Yea, we could do white's ferry. It'd be a good ride.
    10 of 11
    13 years ago
    Starbucks near the corner of 189 and 190 in Great Falls?


    We can head to White's ferry from there.
    11 of 11
    13 years ago
    Great ride guys. Thanks!