Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Easy Rizer Bike Lift`Subscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 5
    Yun Lung Yang
    13 years ago
    I discover this lift while searching on the net. Not sure if any one of you have experience. It seems pretty legitimate. As many people have positive review for it.

    2 of 5
    13 years ago
    It looks like a good lift. Like the kind of thing you hope your friend buys so you can come over and use it once in a while. Any takers?
    3 of 5
    13 years ago
    If you promise to bring your bike over, I'll have one fedexed overnight tomorrow.
    4 of 5
    13 years ago
    I'll remember that you said that. If business gets any better I might just take you up on that (one of these years).
    5 of 5
    13 years ago
    I call your bluff and raise you a bottle of fine scotch.