Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Both bikes ready to go.Subscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 4
    13 years ago
    I changed the oil and filters on both bikes and also managed to finally install the aftermarket horn on the 'S. The factory horn on that bike was anemic.

    Disturbingly, my '92 K1-00RS has now developed it's first oil leak. It seems to be coming from some hole which I thought at first was a screw hole but isn't.

    Photo #571
    13 years ago
    K100RS Oil Leak

    I have the sneaking suspicion this is not a good thing.
    2 of 4
    13 years ago
    Consensus is that it's a leak in a low pressure area but the bike is not in any danger of catastrophic failure.

    The rebuild procedure:

    3 of 4
    13 years ago
    When are you guys taking off?

    Is Duncan going, too?
    4 of 4
    13 years ago
    The plan is to leave tomorrow morning at 9AM. It looks like Duncan is going!