Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
That'll learn ya - a.k.a. the universality of 2-wheel karmaSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 7
    13 years ago
    Being light on motorcycle news lately, I pose a question. A rider is on a bumpy gravel road zipping along at a spirited pace, collides with a non-movable object and has a hard spill resulting in yucky fleshy wounds, basic road rash, and a badly bruised shoulder. According to the Law of Motorcycle Karma, good luck follows bad and vice versa. Riding for days in the rain must certainly result in uncommonly good weather later on, for example (right, Yermo?). Same for spills and mechanical failures. So the question is, does the nasty spill I suffered yesterday pay my karma debt, even though it happened on a bicycle? Or has just my bicycle karma been satisfied and this is just "practice"?

    Although the nearest clinic is in a tiny cowboy town twenty minutes away, here in rural Costa Rica, I got excellent treatment last night, for free, no less. Amazing, really.
    2 of 7
    13 years ago
    Ouch! Dude, are you ok??

    Hmmm. You pose a difficult philosophical question. It's not clear to me that the different forms of karma are interchangeable. Boat karma for instance doesn't seem to interact with bike karma.

    But the question is does two wheel karma exist or is it more specific. My feeling is that motorcycle karma is exactly that and is separate from bicycle karma, so I would say no, probably not. The bicycle is just a different beast.

    I certainly paid my riding dues on the deadhorse trip. And I don't think I've quite used up all karma I earned for those !#$%!#$!@#! god awful !@$!@# wet #$!@# rainy #$!@#$ cold !@#$!@# miserable motorcycle camping trips we took!

    I hope you're ok.
    3 of 7
    13 years ago
    It's not too bad. Stitches and anitbiotics for the forearm wound. Luckily the collar bone is not broken - I was a little worried about that. So I should recover soon enough. The worst part was that the arm had to be cleaned out, due to lots of little rocks and dirt in it. Not something that could be done at home.

    I should point out that I was wearing the finest of local safety gear - shorts, T-shirt, and flip-flops!

    What happened was that the dang basket attached to the front of the bike jiggled its screws loose, and being supported by an arm connected to the front axle, it just fell forward in front of the bike and flipped under, hitting the front wheel. I crashed on my left side. This of course happened while going down a bumpy and very rocky downhill portion. At least nobody was coming the other way.
    4 of 7
    13 years ago
    Ouch! Damn. I'm glad you're ok. Bicycle accidents can be as bad as motorcycle accidents.
    5 of 7
    13 years ago
    Sorry Ian! Hope you mend quickly...
    6 of 7
    13 years ago
    Yeah, getting better. The left arm is not very useful yet, though, due to the shoulder, and it just occured to me that I probably couldn't ride a motorcycle in this condition, which would be a problem if it were to happen on a motorcycle many miles from home.

    Still, the whole experience has been somewhat positive. It could have been a lot worse! And I've been incredibly pleased with the medical care here in bumf*ck Costa Rica.
    7 of 7
    13 years ago
    I've given this considerable thought. Due to all the crazy things I used to do on my mountain bike with no major accidents, I'm inclined to believe that in the Venn diagram that contains both bike karma and motorcycle karma, the circles do not overlap!