Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
New Feature! Member Photos on a Google MapSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 6
    13 years ago
    As I've mentioned to some of you, I have this vision of turning m-by-mc into something really useful for motorcycle travellers. Maps are a big part of that.

    I decided to take a "break" from another larger project I'm working on to see if I could come up to speed on how to write software that integrates Google Maps. The result isn't half bad.

    If you have a GPS enabled camera or smartphone camera, when you upload the photos to m-by-mc you can select to have those photos show up on a Google Map.

    I have to admit, it's pretty cool. Check it out:

    2 of 6
    13 years ago
    The plan is to expand the photo support so you can each create your own separate albums, for instance one for each trip you take, and display them on their own maps which you will be able to share with others.

    Then I'll implement searching over photos and displaying the results on a map ... and before long we'll have a site that's actually useful for something.
    3 of 6
    13 years ago
    Very cool!

    It's nice that you can open up mulitple photos at the same time. However, I'm having a problem with the taller photos in that the photo goes off the top of the map and I can't see the whole thing or close it. I'm using Firefox 3.6/Ubuntu.

    Merry Christmas!
    4 of 6
    13 years ago
    You should be able to drag the map around just like a "normal" google map, or use the scrolling tool in the upper left to move it around.

    Let me know if that doesn't work.
    5 of 6
    13 years ago
    Oh, okay. That's fine.
    6 of 6
    13 years ago
    I was over at Duncan's and tried it under Firefox under Windows and interestingly enough it auto-centers the infowindow in the center. There must be some issue under Linux.

    I'm running FF 3.5something. I'll have to give 3.6 a try.