Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
May 2011 Deal's Gap Trip Scheduling DiscussionSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 15
    13 years ago
    "Cry 'Havoc', and let slip the dogs of war!"

    The moment has come when the abstract must slowly become concrete, when indecision must give way to commitment.

    Deal's Gap May 2011!

    Mother's day is May 8th this year.

    After conversations with Bruce, Josh and Duncan, I would like to propose the week between the Saturday May14th and Saturday May 21st for our pilgrimage.

    Travel days and routes down are still being discussed. Not clear whether we'll superslab it down all in one day or whether we'll do sections of the Blueridge. There are pros and cons to each.

    If we do settle on this timeframe, I'd like to be at the Gap no later than Monday and would probably choose to leave some on Friday to avoid the weekend craziness and allow for a leisurely trip back.

    Is there anyone (Mike, Angela, Phil, et al) for whom this week would NOT work? Please let me know.

    I know some of you will want to stay at the Fontana Resort. For everyone else we can reserve a block of rooms at the Deal's Gap resort.

    Ian, if you do decide to join us give me some advance warning. Bruce has already committed to going so will have dibs on the 'S, but if you want to join us I'll secure another bike.

    So who's in?
    2 of 15
    13 years ago
    I am in pending any crazy schedule changes with my or my wife's work. Like any good consultant, I always give myself an out!

    Looking forward to this trip. I'm seriously gonna need this by May.

    Update: This trip has now been penciled on the calendar.
    3 of 15
    13 years ago
    Yermo wrote:
    Ian, if you do decide to join us give me some advance warning. Bruce has already committed to going so will have dibs on the 'S, but if you want to join us I'll secure another bike.

    So who's in?

    My status for game day is still Highly Unlikely, primarily due to the fact that I'm going to Costa Rica for a month over the holidays. Anyway, if I came along I'd just make you camp in the rain, so count your blessings!
    4 of 15
    13 years ago
    @Ian yea, but look at it another way. If it's raining and miserable out my looks of travel anguish will be justified.
    5 of 15
    13 years ago
    I've been thinking quite a bit about this trip and this morning we had to throw out my Deals Gap mug because the handle was cracked. Wife said "now you'll have to go back for a new one". Damn fine woman if you ask me!
    6 of 15
    13 years ago
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    13 years ago
    I don't know if it may matter unless I get a running dependably bike & go along but I just found out that my cousin Skip lives just 45 miles away in Cosby TN from Deals gap.

    he is planning on coming up in April so I don't know if I can get him to meet some of you over at Duncans like on a web night or something.

    he is not a bike rider himself but it may be nice just to have someone in the area that we know.
    8 of 15
    13 years ago
    @Mothman That would be cool.
    9 of 15
    13 years ago
    Since I haven't been able to ride for over a week due to the stupid weather, I've been at least thinking about this trip...

    When should we make reservations?

    What is the count so far?

    Who is actually going to go?
    10 of 15
    13 years ago
    I'll be making reservations at the Gap resort soon. I figure I'll reserve two rooms.

    Bruce is a definite. I think Duncan is going.

    Others on the list are Phil, Geo, Mike, Angela, You.

    Various others have mentioned possibly going but I have gotten no definites.

    So I figure Bruce, Duncan and I will share a room. You'll get a room. The others will largely be on their own for reservations. I figure most of the rest will want to stay at Fontana resort.
    11 of 15
    13 years ago
    Sounds good. I am in talks with my friends Jay (you met him at the moto show) and Rob (you met him at my band's gig last year) to join us on the trip.

    I have mapped out a day trip to Chattanooga over the Cherohala Skyway to Tellico Plains and beyond. Hopefully I can talk someone into going with me. It's about 270 round trip with lots of twisties. Should be fun.
    12 of 15
    13 years ago
    "soon" you'll be able to put the route up here on a map so we can see.

    Stay posted. (developing the underlying code as fast as I can ...)
    13 of 15
    13 years ago
    Good choice of dates. You should know that the Assault on Mount Mitchell (100+ mile motorcycle ride to the top of Mt. Mitchell) is happening on Monday May 16. You may remember one time several years ago we saw the crazy bicycle riders staggering up to the top of the mountain in the cold??

    Apparently I am now a crazy bicycle rider; If you happen to be at the top of Mount Mitchell mid-afternoon on the 16th you can expect to see me there. If you brought nourishment, you could be my friend. I expect to arrive sometime around 2:30pm or so.
    14 of 15
    13 years ago
    I for one would love to go up Mt. Mitchell. I used to camp at the top frequently when I lived in SC. Is that 100 miles from Deals Gap?
    15 of 15
    13 years ago
    I need to get those maps done.

    I doubt we'll be up in that area on the 16th. It would have been good to see you though. Good luck with your ascent.